Example: Changing host name configuration for repositories

If the host name of the server that hosts certain repositories changes, you must modify the configuration for the repositories that are associated with that host.

About this task

Follow these instructions for repositories that are managed by the RepositoryAdmin tool.

Do not follow this procedure if you are changing the host name of the server that hosts the metadata repository or any other repositories that exist in the metadata repository database. If you want to change the host name for the metadata repository database, follow the steps under Changing the metadata repository database host name and port.


  1. List the repositories that are registered to the server.
    For example:
    cd \IBM\InformationServer\ASBServer\bin
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -listRepositories
  2. For each repository that was listed in step 1, create a repository properties file.
    By inspecting the values in the properties file, you can determine which repositories are registered to the host name that you are changing. You create a properties file by displaying the properties and redirecting the output to a file. For example:
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayRepository -rn DSODB -res DSODB.properties

    Contents of the DSODB.properties file:

    Repository.description=Test engine DSODB.

    The host name is represented by the DatabaseServer.host parameter. In this example, the host name for the DSODB repository is server1.

    Run this command for each repository that was listed in step 1

  3. Review the value of the DatabaseServer.host parameter in each properties file to determine whether the repository is registered to the host that is changing.
  4. Edit the properties files for each repository that is registered to the host that is being changed to specify the new host name.
    Make the following changes in each properties file:
    1. Modify DatabaseServer.host to specify the new host name.
    2. Remove the entry for the RepositoryConnection.connectionURL property. This property will be automatically regenerated with the new hostname.
      Note: If the RepositoryConnection.connectionURL was a custom URL previously created for use in a high-availability database configuration, then edit the value of the URL in the properties file, instead of removing the entry altogether.
  5. Unregister all databases and repositories registered to the server by unregistering the host. See unregister the server host.
    For example:
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -unregisterDatabaseServer -dt Db2 -dv 10.5 -sh server1
  6. Reregister each repository with the RepositoryAdmin tool, using the modified properties files.
    The reregistration process also registers the new host and associated database.
    For example:
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -registerRepository -pf DSODB.properties 
  7. On the engine tier, complete the following actions, depending on the type of repository that is affected:
    For DSODB or ESDB:
    Run the RegistrationCommand tool to recreate the .cfg file with the new hostname and connection URL. (DSODBConnection.cfg or ESDBConnection.cfg). For example:
    cd /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DSODB
    ../../ASBNode/bin/RegistrationCommand.sh -get_config
    -authfile isadmin.credentials -rp DSODB -cf DSODBConnect.tmpl
    -res DSODBConnect.cfg
    For QSSRDDB:
    Modify the connection properties in the WebSphere® Application Server administrative console so that the repository database can be found when WebSphere Application Server starts. Follow the instructions in Modifying the connection properties for data sources to complete this step.