Where InfoSphere DataStage fits in the suite architecture

In its simplest form, InfoSphere® DataStage® enables users to integrate, transform, and deliver data from source systems to target systems in batch and real time. By using prebuilt transformation functions, data integration specialists can reduce development time and improve the consistency of design and deployment.

Any part of a design can be shared and reused, so that logic can be designed once and scaled to run on any system that uses InfoSphere DataStage. Data integration specialists can import metadata from tables, views, and stored procedures to use in their designs. This flexibility and interoperability ensures full data lineage from the source, through transformations, to the target.

After data is transformed, it can be delivered to data warehouses, data marts, and other enterprise applications such as PeopleSoft, Salesforce.com, and SAP. InfoSphere Information Server Packs support these enterprise applications and many others so that metadata can be integrated with InfoSphere DataStage.

SOA architects use InfoSphere Information Services Director to publish data integration logic as shared services that can be reused across the enterprise. Providing the transformed data from InfoSphere DataStage in a service-oriented architecture (SOA) ensures that accurate, complete, and trusted information is delivered to business users.

The graphic shows the InfoSphere Information Server architecture, highlighting each of the main components in the suite. Each component prepares data for other components in the suite. The underlying framework of InfoSphere Information Server enables the components in the suite to integrate and share metadata that is stored in the shared metadata repository.