Using InfoSphere DataStage clients

Use the Multi-client Manager to choose which version of the client you want to use.

The clients for Version 8.1 and later connect to the services tier, and credential mapping provides the necessary credentials that you need to connect to the engine tier.
  1. To specify the client version that you want to use, complete these steps:
    1. Start the Multi-client Manager by double-clicking the desktop shortcut.
    2. In the Current Installation field, check whether the currently selected version is the version that you want to use.
      If the correct version is selected, take no further action. If the correct version is not selected, select the correct client in the Known installations list, and click Select.
    3. Click Close to close the Multi-client Manager.
  2. To use the Designer or Director client to connect to Version 8.1 and later, complete these steps:
    1. Select the client from the Start menu.
    2. In the Services tier field, type the identify of the server in the form hostname:portnumber, where portnumber is the port number that the server uses. For example, type R101:9080.
    3. Type your user name and password.
    4. In the Project field, specify the identity of the project that you want to attach to in the form engine_hostname/project. For example, type R101/datastage.
  3. To use the Administrator client to connect to Version 8.1 and later, complete these steps:
    1. Select the client from the Start menu.
    2. In the Services tier field of the Attach to DataStage window, type the host name of the InfoSphere® DataStage® services tier in the form hostname:9080. For example, type R101:9080 in the field or type R201:80 in the field if you are using a front-end Web server.
    3. Enter your user name and password.
    4. In the DataStage Engine field, specify the host name of the computer that you want to attach to.
  4. To use the command line to connect to Version 8.1 and later, complete these steps:
    1. Log into the operating system as the user who runs the job.
    2. Use one of the following to run a job:
      • To connect to a project from the command line, specify the server name and port number of the required instance with the -server argument in the form -server server:portnumber for local computers.
      • For computers that do not use the default ports, to connect to a project that is on a local server, specify the -server option with only the port number and do not specify the server name. You do not need to specify your user name and password. For example: dsjob -server :31539 -lprojects
      • For remote computers that run InfoSphere DataStage Version 11.7 instances, you must specify the domain and the server name in the form -domain domain:domain_portnumber -server server:portnumber. The default domain port number is 9080. For example, to run a job on the local computer on the server that uses port 31359, use this command: dsjob -server r101:31359 -run myproj myjob.
      • To run a job on the local computer on the default server, use this command: dsjob -run myotherproj myotherjob.
      • To run a job on a remote computer called R101 on the Version 8.5 server that uses port 31360, you must also specify the host computer, the domain, and provide the login information. For example, enter the following command: dsjob -domain mydomain:9080 -server r101:31360 -user billg -password paddock -run myproj myjob