
Use the information in this section to help you understand, isolate, and resolve issues with the Cognos TM1 connector.

Error when you use Integrated Windows Authentication to connect to Cognos TM1 with Integrated login

If you use Integrated Windows Authentication to connect to Cognos TM1 databases that Cognos TM1 uses, you might get the following error in the job log or when you test your connection:

The Cognos TM1 connector could not connect to the TM1 server because an unknown exception was encountered.
Do the following steps:
  • Ensure that you are connecting to Cognos TM1 version
  • Ensure that the Cognos TM1 server is configured to authenticate with Integrated Windows Authentication
  • Ensure that the Cognos TM1 server is not configured with other authentication methods.
  • Ensure that the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier computer is a member of the same Microsoft Windows domain as the Cognos TM1 server.
  • Ensure that the version of the TM1JavaAPI.jar file on the InfoSphere Information Server engine tier computer is the same version as the file on the Cognos TM1 server.
  • Specify valid user name and password.
  • Specify valid values for the DS_LOGIN_CONFIG_LOCATION and DS_KERBEROS_CONFIG_LOCATION environment variables.
  • Specify a valid value for the TM1CC_INTEGRATED_SECURITY_MODULE_NAME environment variable if it is defined. If the environment variable is not defined, ensure that the Cognos TM1 server is configured with the default login module name, TM1SignedOnUserLoginContext. If the Cognos TM1 server is not configured with the default login module name, specify environment variable TM1CC_INTEGRATED_SECURITY_MODULE_NAME and set actual login module name to the environment variable.
  • Ensure that the maximum number of connections to the Cognos TM1 server is not exceeded.