Properties reference: Db2 connector
This topic lists all properties that you can set to configure the stage.
- Instance
- Specifies the name of the instance to use as the active instance at run time. If not specified,
the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable is used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Connection definition
- Select connection definition
- Type: selection
- Default: Db2 client catalog entry
- Values:
- Db2 client catalog entry
- Manual
- Database/Location
- Specifies the name of the database/location to connect to.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Hostname
- The hostname or IP address of the database.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Port
- The database server port number.
- Type: integer
- Default: 50000
- Minimum: 1
- SSL connection
- Use of SSL connection type.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- SSL certificate
- Database server SSL certificate in ARM format.
- Type: string
- Options
- More CLI/ODBC connection options.
- Type: string
- Credentials
- Select type of credentials
- Type: selection
- Default: Username and password
- Values:
- Username and password
- API key
- Username
- Specifies the username to use for connecting to the database.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Password
- Specifies the password to use for connecting to the database.
- Type: protected string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- API key
- API key to use for connecting to the database. Available starting from Db2 version 11.5 Mod Pack 4.
- Type: protected string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8000
- Db2 client library file
- Specifies the full path to the Db2 client library file. If not specified, the system default
library name for the currently configured Db2 environment is used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Alternative conductor settings
- Select this option if you want to provide alternative connection settings to use on the
conductor node. The stage is configured to run in parallel mode.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Instance
- Specifies the name of the instance to use as active instance for running parallel jobs and on
the conductor node. If not specified, the value of the DB2INSTANCE environment variable on the
conductor node is used. Specify the same value for this property in all Db2 Connector stages in the job.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Database/Location
- Specifies the name of the database/location to connect to for running parallel jobs and on the
conductor node. If not specified, the default database/location for the active instance on the
conductor node is used (specified through the DB2DBDFT Db2 registry variable).
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Username
- Specifies the username to use for connecting to the database for running parallel jobs and on
the conductor node.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Password
- Specifies the password to use for connecting to the database for running parallel jobs and on
the conductor node.
- Type: protected string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Db2 client library file
- Specifies the full path to the Db2 client library file on the conductor node. If not specified,
the system default library name for the currently configured Db2 environment is used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Use direct connections
- Setting this property to Yes causes the connector player processes to use a modified Database
name property. Using this property requires advanced configuration of the Db2 client. For more
information, see the connector documentation.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Keep conductor connection alive
- Setting this property to No causes the connector conductor process to disconnect from the
database while player processes run. The conductor reconnects when the player processes are
complete. Setting this property to Yes causes the connector conductor process to remain connected
during the job.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Write mode
- The mode to be used when writing to a database table
- Type: selection
- Default: Insert
- Values:
- Insert
- Insert new rows only
- Update
- Delete
- Insert then update
- Update then insert
- Delete then insert
- Bulk load
- User-defined SQL
- Generate SQL
- Specifies whether to generate SQL statements at run time.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Table name
- The table name to be used in generated SQL
- Type: string
- Enable quoted identifiers
- Specifies whether to enclose database object names in quotation marks when generating DDL and DML
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Prefix for expression columns
- Specifies the prefix for columns that contain the result of expressions.
- Type: string
- Default: EXPR
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- SQL statement properties
- Type: category
- Direct insert
- If set to Yes, the connector insert directly into the target table. In this mode, when running
with multiple processing nodes it is possible to have partially committed data if one or more of the
processing nodes encounters an error. If set No, the connector inserts into the temporary work table
(TWT) first and then from TWT into the target. In this mode the data is either committed or
completely rolled back guarantying consistency.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Key columns
- A comma-separated list of key column names.
- Type: string
- Use a unique key column
- Use Unique key column in the UPDATE statement
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Unique key column
- Unique key column name used in UPDATE statement
- Type: string
- Update columns
- Comma-separated list of columns to be updated with UPDATE statement. If no column specified, all
columns are updated.
- Type: string
- Select statement
- Statements to be run when reading rows from the database or the fully qualified name of the file
that contains the statement.
- Type: string
- Read select statement from file
- Select YES to read the SELECT statement from the file that is specified in the SELECT statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Where clause
- The where clause predicate of the SQL statement
- Type: string
- Other clause
- The other clause predicate of the SQL statement
- Type: string
- Insert statement
- Statements to be run when inserting rows into the database
- Type: string
- Update statement
- Statements to be run when updating rows in the database
- Type: string
- Delete statement
- Statements to be run when deleting rows from the database
- Type: string
- User-defined SQL
- Source of the user-defined SQL statements
- Type: selection
- Default: Statements
- Values:
- Statements
- File
- Statements
- SQL statements to be run for each input row
- Type: string
- File
- A file on the conductor node that contains SQL statements to be run for each input row.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Character set
- IANA character set name
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Fail on error
- Abort the statement sequence when an error occurs
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Treat warnings as information
- Do not end the job when a Db2 Warning is encountered, report as an information messsage.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Enable partitioned reads
- Enable or disable partitioned reads by using the selected partitioning method.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Partitioned reads method
- The method to use for partitioned reads.
- Type: selection
- Default: Minimum and maximum range
- Values:
- Modulus
- Minimum and maximum range
- Db2 connector
- Table name
- Specifies the table that is used by the selected partitioned reads method.
- Type: string
- Column name
- Specifies the key column that is used by the selected partitioned reads method. This column must
be a numeric data type.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Generate partitioning SQL
- Specifies whether the connector should modify the SELECT statement at run time and generate the
needed partitioning clause.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Table action
- Select the action to perform on the database table
- Type: selection
- Default: Append
- Values:
- Append
- Create
- Replace
- Truncate
- Generate create statement at run time
- Specifies whether to generate a create table statement at run time
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Read create statement from file
- Select YES to read the CREATE statement from the file that is specified in the CREATE statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Target table on Db2 for z/OS
- Determines whether the target table is on Db2 LUW or Db2 for z/OS.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- In
- Identifies the database and/or table space in which the table is created: IN
database-name.table-space-name. On Db2 LUW if required add CYCLE / NO CYCLE indication.
- Type: string
- Index in
- Specifies the table space in which indexes or long column values are to be stored (Db2 LUW only).
- Type: string
- Buffer pool
- Specifies the buffer pool be used for the implicitly created table space and determines the page
size of the table space. Do not specify BUFFERPOOL if the table space name is specified by using the
IN table-space-name clause or the IN ACCELERATOR clause is specified. If you do not specify the
BUFFERPOOL clause, Db2 selects the buffer pool as described in Implicitly defined table spaces (Db2
for z/OS only).
- Type: string
- Organize by
- Specifies how the data is organized in the data pages of the table: row-organized table /
column-organized table (Db2 LUW only).
- Type: selection
- Default: Database default
- Values:
- Database default
- Row
- Column
- Distribute by
- Specifies the database partitioning or the way that the data is distributed across multiple
database partitions (Db2 LUW only).
- Type: selection
- Default: None
- Values:
- None
- Hash
- Random
- Key columns
- A comma-separated list of key column names.
- Type: string
- Compress
- Specifies whether data compression applies to the rows. On Db2 for z/OS: if the IN
table-space-name clause or the IN ACCELERATOR clause is specified, COMPRESS YES or COMPRESS NO must
not be specified.
- Type: selection
- Default: Database default
- Values:
- Database default
- No
- Yes
- Type
- Specifies whether adaptive compression or classic row compression is used (Db2 LUW only).
- Type: selection
- Default: Adaptive
- Values:
- Adaptive
- Static
- Value compression
- This determines the row format that is to be used. Each data type has a different byte count
depending on the row format that is used (Db2 LUW only).
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Other options
- Other options/clauses to the CREATE TABLE statement, eg., Partitioning-clause.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 0
- Maximum length: 512
- Create a statement
- A statement to be run when creating the target database table
- Type: string
- Generate drop statement at run time
- Specifies whether to generate a drop table statement at run time
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Read drop statement from file
- Select YES to read the DROP statement from the file that is specified in the DROP statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Drop statement
- A statement to be run when dropping the database table
- Type: string
- Generate a truncate statement at run time
- Specifies whether to generate a truncate table statement at run time
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Read truncate statement from file
- Select YES to read the TRUNCATE statement from the file that is specified in the TRUNCATE
statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Truncate statement
- A statement to be run when truncating the database table
- Type: string
- Perform table action first
- Select Yes to perform table action first. Select No to run Before SQL statements first.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Transaction
- Transaction properties
- Type: category
- Record count
- Number of records per transaction. The value 0 means all available records
- Type: integer
- Default: 2000
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 999999999
- Time Commit Interval
- Specify the amount of time to pass before a commit is issued. If you set a small value you force
frequent commits and therefore if your program terminates unexpectedly, your table can still contain
partial results. However, you may pay a performance penalty because of the high frequency of
commits. If you set a large value, Db2 must log a correspondingly large amount of rollback
information, which may also slow your job.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- End of wave
- Specify settings for the end of wave handling. None means EOW markers are never inserted, Before
means EOW markers are inserted before committing the transaction. After means EOW markers are
inserted after committing the transaction
- Type: selection
- Default: None
- Values:
- None
- Before
- After
- End of data
- Specifies whether to insert an EOW marker for the last set of records when the number is less
than the specified transaction record count value
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Enable transaction grouping
- Transaction grouping allows operations on multiple links to be run within a single transaction.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Transaction grouping
- Transaction grouping settings
- Type: category
- Action on skip
- The action to be taken when a link is skipped
- Type: selection
- Default: Continue
- Values:
- Continue
- Rollback
- Action on failure
- The action to be taken when a failure occurs on a link
- Type: selection
- Default: Rollback
- Values:
- Continue
- Rollback
- Session
- Session properties
- Type: category
- Isolation level
- Specifies the isolation level that is used for all database transactions.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cursor stability
- Values:
- Read uncommitted
- Cursor stability
- Read stability
- Repeatable read
- Auto commit mode
- Specifies whether the connector commits transactions manually, or allows the database to commit
transactions automatically at its discretion.
- Type: selection
- Default: Off
- Values:
- Off
- On
- Array size
- The array size to be used for all read and write database operations
- Type: integer
- Default: 2000
- Minimum: 1
- Schema reconciliation
- Properties that affect schema reconciliation
- Type: category
- Fail on size mismatch
- Fail if the sizes of numeric and string fields are not compatible when validating the design
schema against the database
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Fail on type mismatch
- Fail if the types of fields are not compatible when validating the design schema against the database
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Drop unmatched fields
- Drop fields that don't exist in the input schema
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Fail on row error
- Fail the job if a write operation to the target is unsuccessful
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Fail on row error
- Fail the job if a write operation to the target is unsuccessful
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Enable LOB references
- Enables or disables the ability to specify LOB columns to be passed by using locator (reference)
information. LOB columns that are not specified will be passed inline.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Columns
- Use to choose columns containing LOBs to be passed by locator (reference)
- Type: string
- Log multiple matches
- Specifies the type of message that is logged when the lookup query returns more than one match
for a set of keys
- Type: selection
- Default: None
- Values:
- None
- Informational
- Warning
- Fatal
- Insert buffering
- Specifies whether to enable the insert buffering optimization in partitioned database environments.
- Type: selection
- Default: Default
- Values:
- Default
- Off
- On
- Ignore duplicates
- Atomic arrays
- Specifies whether arrays should be inserted atomically. Insert buffering with nonatomic arrays
does not report errors accurately.
- Type: selection
- Default: Auto
- Values:
- Auto
- No
- Yes
- Simulated
- Temporary work table mode
- If set to Automatic, the connector will automatically create the temporary work table by using
an internally generated name.
- Type: selection
- Default: Automatic
- Values:
- Automatic
- Existing
- Table name
- The name of the existing temporary work table.
- Type: string
- Truncate table
- If set to Yes, the temporary work table is truncated before any data is written to it.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Drop table
- If set to Yes, the connector drops the temporary work table.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Use external tables
- Shows whether external tables are used.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Maximum reject count
- The number of rejected records at which the system stops processing and immediately rolls back
the load. The default is 1 (that is, a single rejected record results in a rollback)
- Type: integer
- Default: 1
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 2147483647
- Directory for named pipe (Unix only)
- Specifies the location where the named pipe that is used by the load operation should be
created. This property applies to Unix systems only.
- Type: string
- Default: /tmp
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Directory for log files
- Specifies the directory for the log and bad files. If it is left blank, the connector will use
the value of the environment variable TMPDIR. If TMPDIR is not defined, it will default to /tmp on
Unix and to system temporary directory on Windows.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Other options
- Extra options to be passed to the external table statement.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 0
- Maximum length: 512
- Statistics
- Instructs load to collect statistics during the load according to the profile defined for this
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Statistics on columns
- Generates statistics on the columns. If no column is specified, statistics are collected on all
columns by default.
- Type: string
- Logging
- Properties that affect logging
- Type: category
- Log column values on first row error
- Specifies whether to log column values for the first row that fails to be written
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Log key values only
- Specifies whether to log key columns or all columns for failing statements
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Column delimiter
- Specifies the delimiter to use between columns
- Type: selection
- Default: Space
- Values:
- Space
- Newline
- Tab
- Comma
- Before/After SQL
- Before/After SQL properties
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Before SQL
- Enter the SQL statement or the fully qualified name of the file that contains the SQL statement
to run one time before any data is processed.
- Type: string
- Read Before SQL statement from file
- Select Yes to read the SQL statement from the file that is specified in the Before SQL statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- After SQL
- Enter the SQL statement or the fully qualified name of the file that contains the SQL statement
to run one time after all data is processed.
- Type: string
- Read After SQL statement from file
- Select Yes to read the SQL statement from the file that is specified in the After SQL statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Before SQL (node)
- Enter the SQL statement or the fully qualified name of the file that contains the SQL statement
to run one time on each node before any data is processed on that node.
- Type: string
- Read Before SQL (node) statement from file
- Select Yes to read the SQL statement from the file that is specified in the Before SQL (node)
statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- After SQL (node)
- Enter the SQL statement or the fully qualified name of the file that contains the SQL statement
to run one time one each node after all data is processed on that node.
- Type: string
- Read After SQL (node) statement from file
- Select Yes to read the SQL statement from the file that is specified in the After SQL (node)
statement property.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Fail on error
- Abort the job if there is an error in running a command
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Record ordering
- Determines how records should be ordered across multiple links.
- Type: selection
- Default: All records
- Values:
- All records
- First record
- Ordered
- Key column
- A column to be used for sorting.
- Type: category
- Default: false
- Column name
- The name of a column to be used for sorting.
- Type: string
- Sort order
- Specifies whether sorting should be in ascending or descending order.
- Type: selection
- Default: Ascending
- Values:
- Ascending
- Descending
- Null order
- Specifies whether null values should appear before or after nonnull values.
- Type: selection
- Default: Before
- Values:
- Before
- After
- Case sensitive
- Specifies whether strings should be compared by using a case-sensitive or insensitive comparison.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Reoptimization
- Specifies the type of reoptimization that is done by Db2.
- Type: selection
- Default: None
- Values:
- None
- Once
- Always
- Lock wait mode
- Specifies the lock wait strategy that is used when a lock cannot be obtained immediately.
- Type: selection
- Default: Use the lock timeout database configuration parameter
- Values:
- Return an SQLCODE and SQLSTATE
- Use the lock timeout database configuration parameter
- Wait indefinitely
- User specified
- Lock wait time
- Time to wait for a lock
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 32767
- Pad character
- Specifies the pad character that is used in the WHERE clause for string columns that are smaller
than the column size.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Limit parallelism
- By default the connector runs one player process per database partition. If you want to force
the connector to run fewer player processes, set this property to Yes
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Total number of player processes
- The total number of player processes across all processing nodes.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Bulk load to Db2 on z/OS
- Determines whether the target table is on Db2 for z/OS.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Load method
- Load method to be used for loading input data into Db2 for z/OS.
- Type: selection
- Default: MVS dataset(s)
- Values:
- MVS dataset(s)
- Batch pipe(s)
- USS pipe(s)
- Transfer
- Transfer properties
- Type: category
- Transfer type
- Determines the method of transferring data to the z/OS machine.
- Type: selection
- Default: ftp
- Values:
- ftp
- sftp
- lftp
- ssh
- Transfer to
- The name of the target machine to which the data is sent.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- User
- Determines the username for transferring.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Password
- Determines the password for transferring.
- Type: protected string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Directory for data files
- Specifies the location where the data files will be created before transfer to z/OS.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 4096
- HFS file directory
- The presence of this option indicates that HFS files is to be used and gives the directory name
where the files will be created. The value should be a fully qualified HFS directory name.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Transfer command
- User-entered command sent just before data transfer begins. FTP example: quote site vcount=7 datakeepalive=60
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 2000
- Retry on connection failure
- Select Yes to try to establish a connection again when the initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Number of retries
- Enter the number of times to try to establish a connection after a failure on the initial attempt.
- Type: integer
- Default: 3
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 999999999
- Interval between retries
- Enter the time in seconds to wait between retries to establish a connection.
- Type: integer
- Default: 10
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 999999999
- DSN prefix
- This option identifies a prefix to be used when creating MVS dataset names. If omitted, the
transfer user name is used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Batch pipe system ID
- If the data is to be transferred to a Batch pipes system on z/OS, this option identifies its name.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- USS pipe directory
- The presence of this option indicates that USS piping is to be used and gives the directory name
where the pipes will be created. The value should be a fully qualified USS directory name.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- File(s) only
- LOAD will not actually be run, only MVS data sets are created.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Device type
- This option specifies the device type to be used for various data sets that the LOAD utility may
need. If omitted, the default is SYSDA.
- Type: string
- Default: SYSDA
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Partition number
- If this option is present, then only the indicated partition is loaded. If this option is
omitted, all partitions of the Db2 for z/OS database table is loaded.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Row count estimate
- This option specifies an estimated count of the total number of rows to be loaded into all
partitions combined. This estimate is used to calculate the amount of disk space, which will be
needed on z/OS for various data sets. If not present, a row estimate of 1000 is used.
- Type: integer
- Default: 1000
- Minimum: 0
- Statistics
- This option requests that statistics be displayed at the end of the load.
- Type: selection
- Default: None
- Values:
- None
- All
- Index
- Table
- Utility ID
- This is a unique identifier within DB2 for the execution of the LOAD utility. The default value
- Type: string
- Default: DB2ZLOAD
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 16
- Concurrent access level
- Level of application's concurrent access to the table space or partition. Parameter's value
corresponds to SHRLEVEL option of LOAD command.
- Type: selection
- Default: NONE
- Values:
- Keep existing records in table space
- Select Yes to add records to the end of the table if the table space is not empty or No to load
data into an empty table space. The value corresponds to the RESUME option value in the LOAD command.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Load with logging
- Indicates whether logging is to occur during the load process.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Set copy-pending
- Specifies whether the table space is set to the copy-pending status. (Applicable only when Load
with logging = No)
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Encoding
- Specifies the input data set encoding
- Type: selection
- Default: EBCDIC
- Values:
- Character set
- The IANA character set the name for the encoding. If not specified, ibm-1047-s390 is used for
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Graphic character set
- The IANA character set the name for the graphic encoding. If not specified, UTF-16BE is the default.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Specifies the coded character set identifier (CCSID) for SBCS data, Mixed data, and DBCS data in
the input file.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Image-copy function
- Specifies whether to run an Image-copy function after Load
- Type: selection
- Default: No
- Values:
- No
- Full
- Concurrent
- Incremental
- Scope
- Scope of the image-copy
- Type: selection
- Default: Full
- Values:
- Full
- Single partition
- Image-copy file
- Image-copy file attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values must be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement the parentheses are required. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
should add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Image-copy backup file
- Specifies whether to create a backup of the image-copy file
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values may be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
should add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Recovery file
- Specifies whether to create the image-copy recovery file
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values may be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement, the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
must add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Recovery backup file
- Specifies whether to create a backup of the image-copy recovery file
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values is entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator must
add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Change limit percent 1
- Specifies the percentage limit of changed pages in the table space at which an incremental
image-copy is to be taken
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 100
- Change limit percent 2
- Specifies the percentage limit of changed pages in the table space at which an incremental
image-copy is to be taken
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 100
- Report only
- Run utility to produce report only
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- System pages
- Specifies whether the copy utility puts system pages at the beginning of the image-copy file
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- Allow changes
- Indicates whether other programs can update the table space while COPY is running
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Data file attributes
- Data file attributes
- Type: category
- Input data file(s)
- Input data file attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values may be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
should add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Discard data set
- Discard data set attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values may be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement, the parentheses are required. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
should add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Error data set
- Error data set attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values must be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement, the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
must add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Map data set
- Map data set attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values must be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
should add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Work1 data set
- Work1 data set attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values may be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement, the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
must add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, respectively to Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Work2 data set
- Work2 data set attributes
- Type: category
- Data set name
- Data set name used by the Load utility. If empty (default), then a data set name is generated by
using the DSN prefix property.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Number of buffers
- Specifies the number of buffers to use (BUFNO). If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 99
- Unit
- Specifies the device number, device type (generic), or group name for the data set (UNIT). If
empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data class
- Specifies the SMS data class (DATACLAS). The name must be a valid SMS data class and must not
exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Management class
- Specifies the SMS management class (MGMTCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS management class and
must not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Storage class
- Specifies the SMS storage class (STORCLAS). The name must be a valid SMS storage class and must
not exceed 8 characters in length. If empty (default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 8
- Volume(s)
- Specifies a list of volume serial numbers for this allocation (VOLUMES(?)). The value or list of
values must be entered by the user with or without enclosing parentheses. However, in the TEMPLATE
statement, the parentheses are needed. So, if the user does not enter them, the syntax generator
must add them. The value for this property is a comma-separated list of string values. If empty
(default), then the property is not used.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- File disposition
- File disposition properties
- Type: category
- Space type
- Specifies the z/OS disk space allocation unit type (SPACE(?,?)). Valid values are Cylinders
(CYL) and Tracks (TRK). The default value is Cylinders.
- Type: selection
- Default: Cylinders
- Values:
- Cylinders
- Tracks
- Primary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space primary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Secondary allocation
- Specifies the z/OS disk space secondary allocation amount. The range of values is from 1 to
1677215. If empty (default), then its value equals computed (from the row estimate) space
requirements in cylinders or tracks, to corresponding Space type setting. For Map data set, the
resulting value is doubled.
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 1677215
- Load control
- Specifies the properties that control the bulk load operations.
- Type: category
- [deprecated] Use External Tables
- Shows whether external tables are used.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- [deprecated] Compress file data
- Shows whether the External Table file data is compressed before the data is transferred, and is
decompressed after it is received. This improves overall performance when a large amount of
compressible data is being transferred.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Compression algorithm
- Determines the compression algorithm of external table file data.
- Type: selection
- Default: GZIP
- Values:
- LZ4
- [deprecated] Maximum reject count
- The number of rejected records at which the system stops processing and immediately rolls back
the load. The default is 1 (that is, a single rejected record results in a rollback)
- Type: integer
- Default: 1
- Minimum: 0
- [deprecated] Skip rows
- For a load operation, the number of rows to skip before loading the data. The default is 0.
Because skipped rows are processed before they are skipped, a skipped row is still capable of
causing a processing error.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- [deprecated] Other options
- More options to be passed to the external table statement
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 0
- Maximum length: 512
- [deprecated] Directory for log files
- Specifies the directory for the log and bad files. If it is left blank, the connector uses the
value of the environment variable TMPDIR. If TMPDIR is not defined, it defaults to /tmp on Unix and
to system temporary directory on Windows.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Load mode
- Specifies the mode where the load operates.
- Type: selection
- Default: Insert
- Values:
- Insert
- Replace
- Restart
- Terminate
- Restart phase
- Specifies which Db2 load phase is to be restarted. The original input data needs to be
reproduced for restarting the Load phase. Build and Delete phases ignore the input data.
- Type: selection
- Default: Load
- Values:
- Load
- Build
- Delete
- Bulk load with LOB or XML column(s)
- Indicates whether there are any LOB or XML columns in the target Db2 table.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Load method
- Determines the load method to use.
- Type: selection
- Default: Named Pipe(s)
- Values:
- Sequential File(s)
- Named Pipe(s)
- Exception table name
- Name of tables where rows that violate constraints are stored.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Load timeout
- Specifies the time in seconds to attempt opening a socket for the load operation before time out.
- Type: integer
- Default: 300
- Minimum: 0
- File(s) only
- Indicates whether input files should be created without running the load operation.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Directory for data and command files
- Specifies the location where the command file and data file (used by the load operation) should
be created.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Remove intermediate data file
- Select Yes to remove the intermediate data file after completing the load operation.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: true
- File type
- Specifies the format of the data in the data file.
- Type: selection
- Default: ASC
- Values:
- Lob Path List
- A list of fully qualified paths or devices to identify the location of the individual LOB files
to be loaded.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Without prompting
- Select Yes to add the WITHOUT PROMPTING parameter to the LOAD command in the generated command file.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Directory for named pipe (Unix only)
- Specifies the location where the named pipe that is used by the load operation must be created.
This property applies to Unix systems only.
- Type: string
- Default: /tmp
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- File type modifiers
- Specifies the modifiers that are used with the \'MODIFIED BY\' keyword of the Db2 load utility
- Type: category
- Dump file
- Specifies a fully qualified file path to use with the \'dumpfile\' file type modifier. If no
path is specified, the \'dumpfile\' modifier is not used
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Clean-up on failure
- Clean-up on failures during stage execution.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Save count
- Specifies the number of records to load before establishing a consistency point.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Warning count
- Specifies the number of warnings that are allowed before the load operation stops.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Row Count
- The number of physical records to be loaded. Allows a user to load only the first rowcnt rows in
a file.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Message file
- Specifies the file where Db2 writes diagnostic messages.
- Type: string
- Default: loadMsgs.out
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Temporary files directory
- Specifies the path name that is used by the Db2 server to store temporary files.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Statistics
- Instructs load to collect statistics during the load according to the profile defined for this
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- [deprecated] Statistics on columns
- Generates statistics on the columns. If no column is specified, statistics are collected on all
columns by default.
- Type: string
- Non-recoverable load
- The load transaction is marked as non-recoverable.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Copy loaded data
- Specifies the method that is used for making a copy of the loaded data.
- Type: selection
- Default: No copy
- Values:
- No copy
- Use a device or directory
- Use a shared library
- Use Tivoli to make a copy
- Loaded data copy location
- A comma-separated list of devices or directories where the copy is generated.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 512
- Library used to copy
- Specifies the name of the library that is used to generate the copy.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Data buffer size
- Specifies the number of pages (size 4 KB) that are used as buffered space for transferring data
within the load utility.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Sort buffer size
- Specifies the number of pages (size 4 KB) of memory that is used for sorting index keys during a
load operation.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- CPU parallelism
- Specifies the number of processes or threads that the load utility creates for processing records.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Disk parallelism
- Specifies the number of processes or threads that the load utility creates for writing data.
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Indexing mode
- Specifies whether indexes are rebuilt or extended incrementally.
- Type: selection
- Default: Automatic selection
- Values:
- Automatic selection
- Rebuild table indexes
- Extend existing indexes
- Do not update table indexes
- Allow access mode
- Specifies the level of access on the table that is to be loaded.
- Type: selection
- Default: No access
- Values:
- No access
- Read
- Name of table space
- Specifies the table space that is used for building a shadow copy of the index if the indexes
are being rebuilt.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Check pending cascade
- Specifies whether the check pending state of the loaded table is immediately cascaded to all descendants.
- Type: selection
- Default: Deferred
- Values:
- Immediate
- Deferred
- Lock with force
- If selected, the load operation forces off other applications that hold conflicting locks.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Partitioned database configuration
- If selected, the data is loaded into a partitioned table.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Output partition numbers
- List of database partition numbers (OUTPUT_DBPARTNUMS). The database partition numbers represent
the database partitions on which the load operation is to be performed. Items in the list must be
separated by commas.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Partitioning partition numbers
- List of database partition numbers that are used in the distribution process
(PARTITIONING_DBPARTNUMS). Items in the list must be separated by commas.
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Maximum partitioning agents
- Specifies the maximum number of partitioning agents to be used in a load session (MAX_NUM_PART_AGENTS).
- Type: integer
- Default: 25
- Minimum: 1
- Isolate partition errors
- Specifies the reaction of the load operation to errors that occur on individual partitions (ISOLATE_PART_ERRS).
- Type: selection
- Default: Load errors only
- Values:
- Setup errors only
- Load errors only
- Setup and load errors
- No isolation
- Status interval
- Specifies the number of megabytes of data to load before generating a progress message (STATUS_INTERVAL).
- Type: integer
- Default: 100
- Minimum: 1
- Maximum: 4000
- Port range
- Specifies the range of TCP ports that are used to create sockets for internal communications (PORT_RANGE).
- Type: Boolean
- Lower port number
- Lower port number of the port range
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 65535
- Higher port number
- Higher port number of the port range
- Type: integer
- Minimum: 0
- Maximum: 65535
- Check truncation
- If selected, data records are checked for truncation at input and output (CHECK_TRUNCATION).
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Trace
- Specifies the number of records to trace in a dump of the data conversion process and the output
of the hashing values (TRACE).
- Type: integer
- Default: 0
- Minimum: 0
- Partitioned distribution file
- If this option is specified, the load utility generates a database partition distribution file
with the given name (DISTFILE).
- Type: string
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 256
- Partition collecting statistics
- Specifies the database partition where statistics are collected (RUN_STAT_DBPARTNUM).
- Type: integer
- Default: -1
- Minimum: -1
- Maximum: 32767
- Limit the number of returned rows
- Select Yes to limit the number of rows that are returned by the connector.
- Type: Boolean
- Default: false
- Limit
- Enter the maximum number of rows that will be returned by the connector.
- Type: integer
- Default: 1000
- Minimum: 1