Greenplum connector messages
This message reference includes the messages that are returned by the Greenplum connector.
You must be familiar with the functions of the operating system where the Greenplum connector is installed. You can use the information in this message reference to identify an error or warning and resolve the problem by using the appropriate recovery action. You can also use this information to understand where the messages are generated and logged.
The connector generates messages reported by the Greenplum driver as well as messages that it generates internally in relation to the environment configuration and general connector usage.
Each message has a message identifier that consists of a prefix (IIS) and a message number. Messages are listed in numeric sequence based upon the message number. There are three message types: Error, Warning, and Informational. Message identifiers ending with an E are error messages. Those ending with a W indicate warning. Messages ending in an I indicates informational messages.
You can view complete error details in the log file in the IBM® InfoSphere™ DataStage® and QualityStage™ Director client.
- IIS-CONN-GP-01000E
The connector could not connect to database database_name with user user_name by using DSN DSN_name for the following reason: reason - IIS-CONN-GP-01001E
An ODBC error occurred for the following reason: reason - IIS-CONN-GP-01002E
The ODBC environment was not initialized for the following reason: reason - IIS-CONN-GP-01003E
The ODBC environment handle was not allocated. - IIS-CONN-GP-01004E
The following SQL statement failed: SQL_statement. The statement reported the following reason: Reason - IIS-CONN-GP-01005E
The pipe_name named pipe was not created. The following error code was generated: error_code - IIS-CONN-GP-01006E
The connector could not connect to the pipe_name named pipe. The following error code was generated: error_code - IIS-CONN-GP-01007E
The connector could not close the pipe_name named pipe. The following error code was generated: error_code - IIS-CONN-GP-01008E
The connector could not write to the pipe_name named pipe. The following error code was generated: error-code - IIS-CONN-GP-01009E
The connector could not disconnect the pipe_name named pipe. The following error code was generated: error_code - IIS-CONN-GP-01012E
The argument_name argument cannot be NULL. - IIS-CONN-GP-01013E
An internal error occurred. - IIS-CONN-GP-01014E
The data_type data type is not supported by Greenplum databases. - IIS-CONN-GP-01015E
Invalid year format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01016E
Invalid month format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01017E
Invalid day format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01018E
Invalid hour format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01019E
Invalid minute format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01020E
Invalid second format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01021E
Invalid microsecond format. - IIS-CONN-GP-01022E
Missing time part in time stamp. - IIS-CONN-GP-01023E
An unknown error occurred in a thread. - IIS-CONN-GP-01025I
The function_name ODBC function reported the following information: diagnostic_info - IIS-CONN-GP-01026E
The connector could not read the file file_name. Verify that the file exists, the current user has read permission on the file, and the file is not empty. - IIS-CONN-GP-01027E
The system_call_name system call failed with the following operating system error: error_code (error_message). - IIS-CONN-GP-01028E
number_of_bytes bytes of memory were not allocated. - IIS-CONN-GP-01030W
In the input link schema, the following distribution key columns from the table_name table were not found: column_name. The temporary table will use a random distribution. - IIS-CONN-GP-01031E
The table_name table was not found. - IIS-CONN-GP-01032E
The following input link column(s): column_names were not found in the table table_name - IIS-CONN-GP-01033W
The following input link column(s): column_names were not found in the table table_name. These columns will be dropped from the input link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01034E
The following input link column(s): column_names were found in the table table_name, but did not have a compatible data type - IIS-CONN-GP-01035W
The following input link column(s): column_names were found in the table table_name, but did not have a compatible data type. These columns will be dropped from the input link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01036E
The following nullable column(s): column_names from the table table_name were not found in the input link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01037E
The following column(s): column_names from the table table_name were not found in the input link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01038W
The following nullable column(s): column_names from the table table_name were not found in the input link schema. These columns will be ignored - IIS-CONN-GP-01039W
The following column(s): column_names from the table table_name were not found in the input link schema. These columns will be ignored - IIS-CONN-GP-01040E
None of the columns from the input link schema matched any of the columns in the table Table name - IIS-CONN-GP-01041I
The connector is using case-sensitive identifiers. - IIS-CONN-GP-01042I
The connector is not using case-sensitive identifiers. - IIS-CONN-GP-01043E
The table_name table name is invalid. In Greenplum databases, table identifiers can have a maximum of three parts: database, schema, and table - IIS-CONN-GP-01044E
While the connector waited for an event on the pipe_name named pipe, the following error occurred: error_code - IIS-CONN-GP-01045I
The DROP action completed and successfully dropped the target table. - IIS-CONN-GP-01046I
The CREATE action completed and successfully created the target table. - IIS-CONN-GP-01047I
The TRUNCATE action completed and successfully truncated the target table. - IIS-CONN-GP-01048I
The connector ran the Before SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-GP-01049I
The connector ran the After SQL statement. - IIS-CONN-GP-01050I
The connector ran the Before SQL (node) statement. - IIS-CONN-GP-01051I
The connector ran the After SQL node statement. - IIS-CONN-GP-01052E
The connector could not get a list of columns from the following SQL statement: SQL_statement - IIS-CONN-GP-01053E
The data_type data type in the column_name column is not supported. - IIS-CONN-GP-01054I
The connector generated the following table action SQL: SQL_statement - IIS-CONN-GP-01055I
The following number of rows were updated: Count - IIS-CONN-GP-01056I
The following number of rows were deleted: Count - IIS-CONN-GP-01057I
The following number of rows were inserted: row_count - IIS-CONN-GP-01058E
The following key columns were not found in the link schema: key_columns. - IIS-CONN-GP-01059E
The following update columns were not found in the link schema: update_columns. - IIS-CONN-GP-01060E
The column unique key column was not found in the link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01061E
The column unique key column was not found in the staging table table. This column cannot be dropped. - IIS-CONN-GP-01062E
The action column column was not found in the link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01063E
The action column column was not found in the temporary work table table. This column cannot be dropped - IIS-CONN-GP-01064E
The action column Column was found in the link schema, but the data type was wrong - IIS-CONN-GP-01065E
The action column column was found in the temporary work table table, but the data type was wrong. This column cannot be dropped - IIS-CONN-GP-01066E
The action column column was found in the target table table. The action column cannot be one of the target table columns - IIS-CONN-GP-01067E
The following update columns are already used as key columns: columns. - IIS-CONN-GP-01068E
The following key columns are already used as the unique key column: columns. - IIS-CONN-GP-01069E
The column unique key column is already used as an action column. - IIS-CONN-GP-01070E
Multiple unique key columns are specified. Only a single unique key column is allowed. - IIS-CONN-GP-01071E
Multiple action columns are specified. Only a single action column is allowed - IIS-CONN-GP-01072W
The following input link column(s): column_names were not found in the table table_name. These columns will be dropped from the generated statement(s) - IIS-CONN-GP-01073W
The following input link column(s): column_names were found in the table table_name, but did not have a compatible data type. These columns will be dropped from the generated statement(s) - IIS-CONN-GP-01074E
To generate SQL statements, one or more key columns must be specified. - IIS-CONN-GP-01075E
To generate an UPDATE statement, one or more non-key columns must be specified. - IIS-CONN-GP-01076E
The following unsupported metadata class was specified: class. - IIS-CONN-GP-01077E
The connector could not obtain information for the following table: table. - IIS-CONN-GP-01079E
The parameter_name statement parameter was not found in the input link schema. - IIS-CONN-GP-01080E
The connector cannot find key columns. - IIS-CONN-GP-01081E
The following input link columns were not found in the statement parameters: column_names. - IIS-CONN-GP-01082W
The following input link columns were not found in the statement parameters: column_names. These columns will be dropped. - IIS-CONN-GP-01083E
The following columns from the input link schema were not found in the table: Column names. - IIS-CONN-GP-01084W
The following columns from the input link schema were not found in the table: column_names. These columns will be dropped. - IIS-CONN-GP-01085E
The following output link columns were not found in the result set of the query: column_names. The query was query. - IIS-CONN-GP-01086W
The following output link columns were not found in the result set of the query: column_names. The query was query. These columns will be dropped from the output link schema. - IIS-CONN-GP-01087E
The following output link columns were not found in the table_name table: column_names. - IIS-CONN-GP-01088W
The following output link column(s): column_names were not found in the table table_name. These columns will be dropped from the output link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01089E
The following output link columns were found in the result set of the query, but they do not have a compatible data type: column_names. The query was query. - IIS-CONN-GP-01090W
The following output link columns were found in the result set of the query, but they do not have a compatible data type: column_names. These columns will be dropped from the output link schema. The query was query. - IIS-CONN-GP-01091E
The following output link columns were found in the table_name table, but they do not have a compatible data type: column_names. - IIS-CONN-GP-01092W
The following output link columns were found in the table_name table, but they do not have a compatible data type: column_names. These columns will be dropped from the output link schema. - IIS-CONN-GP-01093E
The following column(s): column_names from the result set of the query query were not found in the output link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01094W
The following column(s): column_names from the result set of the query query were not found in the output link schema. These columns will be ignored. - IIS-CONN-GP-01095E
The following column(s): column_names from the table table_name were not found in the output link schema - IIS-CONN-GP-01096W
The following column(s): column_names from the table table_name were not found in the output link schema. These columns will be ignored. - IIS-CONN-GP-01097E
None of the columns from the output link schema matched any of the columns in the result set of the following query: query. - IIS-CONN-GP-01098I
The connector is generating statistics by using the following SQL statement: SQL_statements - IIS-CONN-GP-01099I
Number of rows read: count - IIS-CONN-GP-01100E
None of the columns from the output link schema matched any of the columns in the table_name table. - IIS-CONN-GP-01101E
An error occurred, but the connector failed to get details about the error. - IIS-CONN-GP-01102I
There are Count duplicate rows. - IIS-CONN-GP-01103E
The connector found duplicate rows. - IIS-CONN-GP-01104E
An action column must be specified. - IIS-CONN-GP-01105E
No columns are specified. - IIS-CONN-GP-01106E
No columns are specified other than the action column. - IIS-CONN-GP-01107E
This feature is not supported. - IIS-CONN-GP-01108E
A NULL value is read into a non-nullable field Column-name - IIS-CONN-GP-01109E
Invalid data received from Greenplum for column Column-name - IIS-CONN-GP-01110E
The database part of the provided table name Table-name does not match the connected database. - IIS-CONN-GP-01111E
The TCP/IP port TCP/IP port number is out of range. Specify a value in the range 0 - 65535 - IIS-CONN-GP-01112I
The connector is using staging table: Staging Table-name. - IIS-CONN-GP-01113I
The connector is starting the Greenplum Parallel File Server (gpfdist) using the following command line: Command line - IIS-CONN-GP-01114I
The Greenplum Parallel File Server (gpfdist) started successfully as process ID Process ID. It is listening on the following port: TCP/IP port number - IIS-CONN-GP-01115E
The connector could not start the Greenplum Parallel File Server (gpfdist). The following error code was generated: Error code. The following error message was generated: Error message. - IIS-CONN-GP-01116E
The Greenplum Parallel File Server (gpfdist) reported the following error(s): Errors (and other output) returned by the Greenplum Parallel File Server (gpfdist). - IIS-CONN-GP-01117E
Output from the Greenplum Parallel File Server (gpfdist) was not read. The following error code was generated: Error code. The following error message was generated: Error message - IIS-CONN-GP-01118E
The value for the End port number property is TCP/IP port number, but the value cannot be less than the value for the Start port number, which is TCP/IP port number. Specify an End port number that is greater than or equal to the Start port number. - IIS-CONN-GP-01119E
The connector could not convert the source_character_set character set to the target_character_set character set for column column_name. The converter reported the following status: error_code - IIS-CONN-GP-01120E
The table name was not specified. - IIS-CONN-GP-01121I
The connector ran the specified Before SQL statement and failures were detected. - IIS-CONN-GP-01122I
The connector ran the specified After SQL statement and failures were detected. - IIS-CONN-GP-01123I
The connector ran the specified Before SQL (node) statement and failures were detected. - IIS-CONN-GP-01124I
The connector ran the specified After SQL (node) statement and failures were detected. - IIS-CONN-GP-01125E
A maximum length must be specified for the column_name column. - IIS-CONN-GP-01126E
The select statement was not specified. - IIS-CONN-GP-01127E
The connector does not support Greenplum bit and bit varying data types in sparse lookup.