Informix Enterprise stage
The Informix Enterprise stage is a database stage. You
can use the Informix Enterprise stage to read data from or write data
to an IBM® Informix® Dynamic Server.
Working with Informix enterprise stage
To use an Informix enterprise stage in a job, you must set the properties of the stage. The stage properties that you must set depend on whether you want to write data to an Informix database or read data from an Informix database.
Input page
On the Input page, you can specify details about how the Informix enterprise stage writes data to an Informix database. To specify these details, you can use the General, Properties, Partitioning, Columns, and Advanced tabs.
Output page
On the Output page, you can specify details about how the Informix enterprise stage reads data from an Informix database. The stage can have only one output link.