Configuring ODBC access to Greenplum databases on Windows

To connect to a Greenplum database, you must first configure an ODBC data source definition (DSN) for the database by using the IBM Greenplum Wire Protocol ODBC driver.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that the ODBC driver for Greenplum libraries is installed.


  1. Start the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator.
    • On a 32-bit Windows computer, click Start > Control panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)
    • On a 64-bit Windows computer, navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
      Note: On Windows, InfoSphere® Information Server is a 32-bit application. Even on a 64-bit Windows computer, the connector is running as a 32-bit application. Therefore you must use the 32-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator as the Greenplum connector will not be able to locate DSN definitions created in the 64-bit ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  2. On the System DSN page, click Add.
  3. On the Create New Data Source page, select the IBM Greenplum Wire Protocol driver and click Finish. For information about configuring the driver options, see the DataDirect Connect documentation.