Deleting exceptions by specifying dates

You can specify a date and age value for the descriptors that you want to delete from the exceptions database.


  1. On the computer that hosts the client tier or engine tier, switch to the /InformationServer/ASBNode/bin directory on Linux® and UNIX, or \InformationServer\ASBNode\bin on Windows.
  2. Run the exceptions database administration tool with the required parameters, and include one of the following parameter options:
    • -deleteHostExceptions -DSQShost hostname
    • -deleteProjectExceptions -DSQShost hostname -projectName projectname
    • -deleteJobExceptions -DSQShost hostname -projectName projectname -jobName jobname
    • -deleteStageExceptions -DSQShost hostname -prjectName projectname -jobName jobname -stageName stagename
    You must also include a parameter to specify the date or age of the exceptions that you want to delete.
    • -olderThanNMonths numberofmonths
    • -olderThanNWeeks numberofweeks
    • -olderThanDate date
    Specify the number of months or weeks with an integer. If you specify -olderThanDate, use the yyyy-mm-dd date format.


On Linux and UNIX:

./ -user username -password password -ESDBhost hostname -port portnumber -dbName databasename -deleteHostExceptions -DSQShost hostname -olderThanNMonths numberofmonths

On Windows:

ESDBAdmin.bat -user username -password password -ESDBhost hostname -port portnumber -dbName databasename -deleteHostExceptions -DSQShost hostname -olderThanNMonths numberofmonths