You can specify a date and age value for the descriptors
that you want to delete from the exceptions database.
- On the computer that hosts the client tier or engine tier,
switch to the /InformationServer/ASBNode/bin directory
on Linux® and UNIX, or \InformationServer\ASBNode\bin on Windows.
- Run the exceptions database administration tool with the
required parameters, and include one of the following parameter options:
- -deleteHostExceptions -DSQShost hostname
- -deleteProjectExceptions -DSQShost hostname -projectName projectname
- -deleteJobExceptions -DSQShost hostname -projectName projectname -jobName jobname
- -deleteStageExceptions -DSQShost hostname -prjectName projectname -jobName jobname -stageName stagename
You must also include a parameter to specify the date or age
of the exceptions that you want to delete.
- -olderThanNMonths numberofmonths
- -olderThanNWeeks numberofweeks
- -olderThanDate date
Specify the number of months or weeks with an integer. If you
specify -olderThanDate, use the yyyy-mm-dd date
On Linux and UNIX:
./ -user username -password password -ESDBhost hostname -port portnumber -dbName databasename -deleteHostExceptions -DSQShost hostname -olderThanNMonths numberofmonths
On Windows:
ESDBAdmin.bat -user username -password password -ESDBhost hostname -port portnumber -dbName databasename -deleteHostExceptions -DSQShost hostname -olderThanNMonths numberofmonths