You must create the exceptions database schema that stores
the Exceptions stage data.
Before you begin
Identify the database system that you want to use for the
exceptions database.
- On the computer that hosts the services tier,
register the repository to be used for the exceptions database. See Registering the repository for the exceptions database.
step can be run by any user who has the Administrator role.
- On the computer that hosts the services
tier, generate the scripts to be used to create and delete the exceptions
database schema. See Generating the scripts for the exceptions database.
- Run the generated scripts with the command line for the
appropriate database system, and test the connection to that database.
This step must be run by a user that has administrative rights
to create a schema.
Run the generated scripts with the instructions
for your specific database:
- On the computer that hosts the engine tier, generate a
new repository connection file for the exceptions database. See Generating the repository connection file for the exceptions database.
- Create the system data source on the Engine tier. See Creating the system data source on the engine tier