Changing the user password for the exceptions database on Windows

To change the password for an exceptions database where the services tier is on a Windows computer, use the RepositoryAdmin command to update the connection and the RegistrationCommand tool to recreate a repository connection file on each engine tier computer.


  1. On the computer that hosts the services tier, switch to the \InformationServer\ASBServer\bin director.
  2. Run the RepositoryAdmin tool to obtain the name of the exceptions database repository:
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -listRepositories
  3. Review the current registration of the exceptions database:
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -displayRepository -reposName ESDB
  4. Update the user password for the exceptions database:
    RepositoryAdmin.bat -updateRepositoryConnection -reposName ESDB
        -connectionName connectionName
        -connectionPassword newvalue
    • connectionName is the name of the exceptions database repository connection
    • newvalue is the new value for the password. Encrypt your password by running the encrypt command.
  5. On the computer that hosts the engine tier, generate a new repository connection file for the exceptions database. See Generating the repository connection file for the exceptions database.