You must configure how the IBM® Db2® connector operates in a job
when reading data.
Before you begin
You must configure a database connection for the Db2 connector.
- On the job design canvas, double-click the Db2 Connector stage icon.
- Click the Output tab, then select
the output link that you want to edit.
- Click the Properties tab.
- On the Properties tab in the Usage section,
specify how the connector operates in a job.
- Specify whether you want SQL statements generated at
run time in the Generate SQL field.
- In the Table field, specify the
table that you want to read.
- In the Enable quoted identifiers field,
specify Yes to retain the case of all of the
object names in DDL and DML statements.
The default is No.
- In the Before or After SQL field,
specify whether an SQL statement runs before or after data processing.
- Click OK to save.