Configuring the Db2 connector as a source

By configuring the IBM® Db2® connector to process data as a source, you can use the Db2 Connector stage to read data.


  1. On the job design canvas, double-click the Db2 Connector stage icon.
  2. Click the Output tab, then select the output link that you want to edit.
    By editing the output link you are setting up the Db2 Connector stage to be the source.
  3. On the Properties tab in the Connection section, specify the instance, database, user name, and password that you want to use to make the connection.
  4. In the Alternate conductor settings field, specify whether you want to provide alternate connection settings to use on the conductor node.
    The default value is No. If you select Yes, you must set the values for the subproperties, which are the instance, database, user name and password to use for the alternate connection.
  5. If applicable, choose one of the following options for specifying the data connection:
    Option Description
    Load Loads an existing data connection from the repository.
    Test Tests the connection to your data source.
  6. Click Save to save the connection settings that you specified.