Removing leftover files from the repository tier (AIX Linux®)

When you remove suite software, the software removal program removes only the files that were created as part of the installation of InfoSphere® Information Server. You must manually remove other files from the repository tier computer if you plan to reinstall the suite.

Before you begin

Run the software removal program and ensure that it completed successfully.


  1. Remove unused databases.
    1. If you created the metadata repository database before you installed InfoSphere Information Server, manually drop the metadata repository database.
      The default database name is xmeta.
    2. If you created the IBM® InfoSphere Information Analyzer analysis database before you installed InfoSphere Information Server, manually drop the database.
      The default database name is iadb.
  2. Delete the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server.
    Operating System Directory
  3. If you installed the Db2® database system by using the InfoSphere Information Server installation program, delete the following directories:
    Db2 installation directory
    The default directory is /opt/IBM/db2/version.
    Db2 instance owner directory
    Remove the /~db2inst1/sqllib directory, where ~db2inst1 is home directory of the instance owner. For example, the default home directory of the instance owner is typically /home/db2inst1.
  4. If you used the Db2 database system as the metadata repository and it no longer needs a Db2 user account, delete the Db2 user accounts.
    1. Run the id command to identify the related groups for the following Db2 user accounts: db2inst1 and db2fenc1.
      bash$ id db2inst1
      uid=210(db2inst1) gid=202(db2iadm1) groups=1(staff)
    2. Run the userdel command to delete the user accounts.
    3. Run the groupdel command to delete the related groups.
  5. If you used an Oracle database system or a Microsoft SQL Server database system as the metadata repository, use an Oracle database system command or a Microsoft SQL Server database system command to drop the metadata repository user and schema.
  6. Remove any remaining InfoSphere Information Server users and groups if you are not using them for other purposes.