My Home workspace

When you open the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server console, the My Home workspace is shown. In this workspace, you can access getting started information and you can access projects.

The following figure shows the My Home workspace. You can customize the sections that appear in the workspace.

Figure 1. The My Home workspace in the IBM InfoSphere Information Server console
Displays the My Home workspace.

This workspace contains the following sections:

Getting Started pane

The Getting Started pane describes how to work in a product module, such as how to work in IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer. The information that is displayed corresponds to the product modules that you have installed.
Figure 2. The Getting Started pane
Close up of the Getting Started pane that shows the Working with the console topic selected.
Many topics in the Getting Started pane have a link that opens the related task and a link that opens the information center for more information (the "Learn more" link).

Projects pane

In the Projects pane, you can select a project to open. Multiple users can contribute to and work on a project in the console. This pane shows a list of all of the projects that you have access to.
Figure 3. The Projects pane
Close up of the Projects pane in the My Home workspace. This pane shows a list of all of the projects that you have access to.
If you select an InfoSphere Information Analyzer project from the Projects pane, you can see the status of that project in the project details section.