Importing HBase metadata

Before you use the HBase connector to read or write data, you can use InfoSphere® Metadata Asset Manager to import metadata about files and folders in HBase data source.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you have the privileges to connect and import the metadata from the Hbase cluster.

About this task

By using the HBase connector, you can import metadata about the following types of assets:

  • The name of the Hadoop Cluster that HBase runs on as provided when creating Data Connection.
  • The HBase Database. Apart from name you select in Data Connection also version number and clusterid are imported.
  • HBase namespaces. All imported namespaces are stored in the metadata repository as database schemas.
  • HBase tables. All imported tables are stored in the metadata repository as database tables.


  1. Import metadata by using InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager.
  2. Import metadata by using InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager.
    For more information about importing metadata by using InfoSphere Metadata Asset Manager, see the online product documentation in IBM Knowledge Center or the IBM® InfoSphere Information Server Guide to Managing Common Metadata.

What to do next

Use the metadata that you imported to create table definitions in InfoSphere DataStage.