IIS-CONN-TM1-01078E The Cognos TM1 connector could not create an InfoSphere DataStage column for the Cognos TM1 object type ''Cognos TM1 object name''. The name contains the unsupported character character, which is not supported in an InfoSphere DataStage column name.
When the Cognos TM1 connector is configured to read data from Cognos TM1 and runtime column
propagation is enabled, InfoSphere DataStage columns are created at run time if the columns
were not defined on the output link. The names of the InfoSphere DataStage columns are based
on the names of the Cognos TM1 objects. Because the Cognos TM1 object name contains characters
that are not supported by InfoSphere DataStage, the InfoSphere DataStage column could not
be created.
User response
In the Cognos TM1 Connector stage, disable runtime column propagation