IIS-CONN-JRULES-63304E The code for the Java type class name cannot be generated because no column was found on link link name to match the argument first argument index of the method method name in this Java type. The argument at position first argument index must exist because the argument second argument index exists and is matched by the column column name on the same link.
The configuration wizard generates Java™ code. The CC_JRules expression in the Description
attribute of the column column name on the link link
name maps the column to argument second argument
index of the method method name for the
generated Java class type class
name. However, the connector could not detect a column on
the same link to use for the argument first argument index in
the same method. The column to use for argument first argument
index must be specified because the column to use for argument second
argument index is specified. The configuration wizard cannot
continue because it does not have the information to generate method method
User response
Ensure that the columns on the link are configured
correctly. If a column is specified for the argument at index index_number for
a particular method, ensure that columns are specified for all arguments
at indexes that have a number that is less than index_number for
the same method. For example, if the CC_JRules expression CC_JRules(setInfo,
3); is specified for a column, ensure that columns with the expressions
CC_JRules(setInfo,1); and CC_JRules(setInfo,2); are also specified.