IIS-CONN-JRULES-00023E    The connector encountered a malformed column description: description text. The expression expression text does not have an opening parenthesis ( after CC_JRULES.


The Description attribute value for a column on one of the links of the stage included a CC_JRules expression that is not formatted correctly. The Description attribute values are used to specify the mapping between the IBM® WebSphere® ILOG® JRules rule set parameter method and the link columns. Each Description attribute value includes one or more CC_JRules expressions separated by semicolons. The expression must start with the literal CC_JRules, which is not case sensitive, followed by an opening parenthesis. The specified column description did not include the opening parenthesis.

User response

Correct the Description attribute value for the column to include CC_JRules expressions in the correct format. For more information about the format, see the connector documentation in the InfoSphere® Information Server in IBM Knowledge Center.