IIS-CONN-GP-01000E    The connector could not connect to database database_name with user user_name by using DSN DSN_name for the following reason: reason


The connection to the data source name failed for the specified reason.

User response

Ensure that a valid user name, password, and data source is specified. Analyze the reason reported by the ODBC driver and try to correct the problem.

Consult the troubleshooting topics in the online product documentation for InfoSphere Information Server in IBM Knowledge Center for the list of most common problems.

If the error still occurs, gather the job logs and job design, and contact IBM Software Support. You can export the job design as a .dsx or .isx file.

For information about the specific logs and information that you must collect before you contact IBM Software Support, see the troubleshooting topics in the online product documentation for InfoSphere Information Server in IBM Knowledge Center.

For information about how to export your job design as a .dsx file so that you can share it with others, see the topics about designing InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage jobs in the online product documentation for InfoSphere Information Server in IBM Knowledge Center. For information about how to export your job design as a .isx file so that you can share it with others, see the topics about deploying jobs and accessing version control in the online product documentation for InfoSphere Information Server in IBM Knowledge Center.