IIS-CONN-DB2-00484W You entered the path Path name in the Db2 client library property. Verify that the path is valid and that the first Db2 client library path in the Db2 client library path environment variable is: Variable


This warning message is displayed when you enter the path Path name in the Db2 client library property. Verify that the first Db2 client library path in the Db2 client library path environment variable is Variable.

This warning message is displayed when the Db2 client library file specified in the Connection > Db2 client library file property fails to load on a Linux or UNIX system. Typically this error occurs because of an incorrect library path environment variable.

User response

Do one of the following actions:
  • Review the message from the operating system to determine why the Db2 client library failed to load. To see the message, set the CC_MSG_LEVEL environment variable to 1 (trace) or 2 (debug).
  • Verify that the first path in the specified environment variable is the path for your Db2 client library.
  • Ensure that the path to the Db2 client library is specified in the library path environment variable for your operating system (LIBPATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, or PATH). Configure the Db2 connector by following the steps outlined in the "Configuring the Db2 connector" topic of the InfoSphere Information Server in IBM Knowledge Center.