IIS-CONN-DB2-00436E An error occurred validating the Db2 instance. Verify that a valid Db2 instance is specified in the Instance property.
The Db2 connector could not validate the Db2 instance.The Db2 connector could not validate the Db2 instance that was specified in the environment configuration file.
User response
Do one of the following actions:- If the Connection > Instance property or Connection > Alternate conductor settings > Instance property is specified, verify that a valid Db2 instance name is specified.
- If the Connection > Instance property or Connection > Alternate conductor settings > Instance property is empty, verify that the Db2.NSTANCE environment variable is set to a valid Db2 instance.
To obtain the list of valid Db2 instances, run the db2ilist command at the Db2 command prompt on the node where the connector runs (typically the ETL node). Ensure that the instance specified in the Connection > Instance property or in the Db2.NSTANCE environment variable is in the list.