IIS-CONN-DB2-00370E Error in environment configuration: Node Node cannot be mapped to a Db2 partition, because all Db2 partitions are already associated with other nodes.


An error occurred in the environment configuration. The Db2 connector cannot map node Node to a Db2 partition because all Db2 partitions are already associated with other nodes.

An error occurred when running the Db2 connector, and trying to rely on the configure file. The configuration file defines the InfoSphere Information Server environment. You can define the nodes in this file.. Typically this error occurs when the specified node cannot be mapped to a Db2 partition. Because all Db2 partitions are already associated with other nodes. If you have Version 8.1 Fix Pack 2 or higher version, this message occurs only if you are using a Db2 for z/OS database.

User response

Do one of the following actions:
  • Reduce the number of nodes in the environment configuration file.
  • Delete the specified node that you want to map to a Db2 partition.