IIS-CONN-DB2-00305E Error Error code occurred while writing to File name file.


The Db2 connector could not write to the file File name. The error code is Error code.
The Db2 connector could not write to the specified file. Typically this error occurs when trying to:
  • Write the load summary to the end of the message file specified in the Usage > Load control > Message file property. If a fully qualified path is specified, the message file will be created in the directory specified. If a fully qualified path is not specified, the message file is created in the current working directory of the job .
  • Write the data to the sequential file which is being used to transfer data to the Db2 loader. The connector generates the file name and creates the file in the directory specified by the Usage > Load control > Input data files directory property.

User response

Do the following:
  • Review the Db2 logs for the reason code.
  • Determine how much disk space is required and provide a directory path that has required minimum free disk space.