You can configure the connector to generate SQL statements
at design time in their statement properties.
Before you begin
Create a job that includes a connector as a source or target.
About this task
You can generate the SQL statement text only for those statement
properties that have the Generate SQL statement option
in the Build list. Note: Under some circumstances, the connector requires
a connection to generate SQL statements. When a user name and password
are not supplied and a connection is required, a connection is made
by using the user who is running the ASB Agent service.
- Double-click the connector on the job canvas to open the
stage editor.
- In the navigator, click the output or input link, depending
on the type of job that you create.
- Set Generate SQL at runtime to No.
- In the Table name property, type the
name of the table for the SQL statement.
- For jobs in target context (input links), select the type
of statement you want to generate in the Write mode property.
- On the Columns page, define the
columns to use in the SQL statement.
- Click the Properties tab.
- Click the Build button that is associated
with the statement property, and select Generate SQL statement from
the list.
Note: The Generate SQL statement option
will only be available for statements which that connector supports
generating at design time. In some cases a connector may only support
generating the SQL at runtime during job execution.
- Click OK to save the job.