Connecting to a Hive data source
To access Hive data sources, you must define a connection by using the properties in the Connection section on the Properties page.
- Define a job that includes a Hive Connector stage.
- In the job design canvas, double-click the Hive Connector stage icon to open the stage editor.
- On the Properties page, specify values for the connection properties. In the URL property, specify the URL string for the Hive data source in the driver-specific format.
- In the Username and Password fields, specify the user name and password to use to authenticate and authorize for the connection. Note that some drivers support including username and password values directly in the URL connection string. For more information, see your driver documentation.
In the Attributes property, specify any additional driver-specific
connection properties for your driver.
For example, if the driver supports SSL connections, provide the SSL connection properties here. Each driver specific connection property must be entered as a separate line in the property_name=property_value format. Note that some drivers support including driver specific connection properties directly in the URL connection string. For more information, see your driver documentation.
- Define Hive driver type
- Click Ok to Save.