Configuring the HADR standby server

Back up the database from the primary server and restore it on the standby server. Then, set HADR variables on the standby server.

Before you begin

Make sure that neither database has an existing connection with client application. You cannot perform a backup on a database that has an existing connection with its client application.


  1. Log in to the primary server as an administrator.
  2. Run these commands to back up the database on the primary server:
    mkdir temp_backup_directory
    cd temp_backup_directory
    db2 backup db database
    For example:
    mkdir mytempbackup
    cd mytempbackup
    db2 backup db xmeta
    Note: You can store more than one database backup in the same temporary directory.
    After the backup completes, a confirmation message is displayed:
    Backup successful. The timestamp for this backup image is :20101101161943
  3. Transfer the backup files from the primary server to the standby server.
  4. Log in to the standby server. Use your Db2® user ID.
  5. Run this command to restore the database on the standby server:
    db2 restore db database from database_backup_directory replace history file
    For example:
    db2 restore db xmeta from mytemprestore replace history file
  6. On the standby server, run the following commands to specify the HADR primary server and standby server. In the command, specify the standby server for hadr_local_host. Specify the primary server for hadr_remote_host (the opposite of the settings on the primary server).
    db2 update db cfg for database using hadr_local_host standby_IP
    db2 update db cfg for database using hadr_remote_host primary_IP
    The primary_IP address and the secondary_IP address can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address. For example:
    db2 update db cfg for xmeta using hadr_local_host  | ::ffff:
    db2 update db cfg for xmeta using hadr_remote_host | ::ffff:
  7. On the standby server, run the following commands to specify the HADR primary and standby service names. In the command, specify the standby server port name for hadr_local_svc. Specify the primary server port name for hadr_remote_svc (the opposite of the settings on the primary server).
    db2 update db cfg for database using hadr_local_svc standby_svc_name
    db2 update db cfg for database using hadr_remote_svc primary_svc_name
    For example:
    db2 update db cfg for xmeta using hadr_local_svc ha_myhadr_int
    db2 update db cfg for xmeta using hadr_remote_svc ha_myhadr
  8. On the standby server, run the following command to set up automatic client reroute. Specify the primary server IP address and port number in the command:
    db2 update alternate server for database database using hostname primary_IP 
       port port
    For example:
    db2 update alternate server for database xmeta using hostname | ::ffff:
      port 60000
  9. On the standby server, run the following command to verify your configuration values:
    db2 get db cfg for database | grep HADR
    For example:
    db2 get db cfg for xmeta | grep HADR
    The command displays a report:
    HADR database role                                 = STANDARD
    HADR local host name             (HADR_LOCAL_HOST) =
    HADR local service name           (HADR_LOCAL_SVC) = ha_myhadr_int
    HADR remote host name           (HADR_REMOTE_HOST) =
    HADR remote service name         (HADR_REMOTE_SVC) = ha_myhadr
    HADR instance name of remote server  (HADR_REMOTE_INST) = db2inst1
    HADR timeout value                       (HADR_TIMEOUT) = 120
    HADR log write synchronization mode     (HADR_SYNCMODE) = SYNC