For Linux® on 64-bit IBM® System z® systems, install the GCC compiler
and then set compiler parameters before you create and run parallel
About this task
Complete this task for every engine tier computer
where jobs will be recompiled. The compiler settings must be specified
for each project that requires them.
Install the compiler. For information about supported compilers, see the version 11.7.1 system requirements.
- Log into the IBM
DataStage® and QualityStage® Administrator using
an account with administrator authority.
- Select Projects.
- For each project listed in the window, complete these steps
to update compiler settings so that the transforms can be compiled
- Click the project name, and click Properties.
- Click Environment.
- Select .
- Select APT_COMPILEOPT. In the Value column,
change the value to
-O -fPIC -Wno-deprecated -c
In the Value column, change the value to
- Select APT_LINKER.
In the Value column, change the value to
- Select APT_LINKOPT. In the Value column,
change the value to
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
- Click Close.