Running the encrypt command
You run the encrypt command in a command window to encrypt text strings. The encrypted and encoded strings can then be used for user credentials in a credentials file for later use. You can also use the command to encrypt any data that you want to encrypt. You can use the provided default encryption provider, or you can set up your own custom encryption provider.
About this task
You run the encrypt command with no parameters or with the text to encrypt as the first and only parameter. The second option is less secure, especially if your shell command history is enabled. When you run the encrypt command with no parameter, you are prompted for a text string, which is hidden from the terminal.
The string that you provide is encrypted with the configured encryption provider, and the encrypted output is displayed in base64-encoded format, prefixed with an alias. You then copy and paste the encoded string–including the alias prefix–to your desired location. The location could be a credentials file or a value for the password parameter in some commands. When the string is decrypted, the alias name is used to determine the type of encryption provider that was used.
- install_root/InformationServer/ASBNode/bin/
- install_root/InformationServer/ASBServer/bin/
- install_root\InformationServer\ASBNode\bin\encrypt.bat
- install_root\InformationServer\ASBServer\bin\encrypt.bat