You can configure the ODBC data source in a parallel processing
environment with one conductor node and multiple player nodes.
Before you begin
- Install client libraries.
- Add the path to the directory that contains the client
libraries to the library path environment variable.
- Copy the following directory from the conductor node to
all computer nodes:
- On Windows, C:\IBM\InformationServer\ODBCDrivers.
- On Linux and UNIX, /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/branded_odbc/lib.
- Copy the .odbc.ini file from the conductor
node to all computer nodes.
- On UNIX and Linux® computers, to restart the
server engine and the ASB Agent, enter the following command:
cd Install_directory/Server/DSEngine/bin
./uv -admin -stop
./uv -admin -start
cd Install_directory/ASBNode/bin
. ./
./ stopAgent
./ start