Configuring the ODBC data source in a parallel processing environment

You can configure the ODBC data source in a parallel processing environment with one conductor node and multiple player nodes.

Before you begin

  • Install client libraries.


  1. Add the path to the directory that contains the client libraries to the library path environment variable.
  2. Copy the following directory from the conductor node to all computer nodes:
    • On Windows, C:\IBM\InformationServer\ODBCDrivers.
    • On Linux and UNIX, /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/branded_odbc/lib.
  3. Copy the .odbc.ini file from the conductor node to all computer nodes.
  4. On UNIX and Linux® computers, to restart the server engine and the ASB Agent, enter the following command:
    cd Install_directory/Server/DSEngine/bin
    ./uv -admin -stop
    ./uv -admin -start
    cd Install_directory/ASBNode/bin
    . ./
    ./ stopAgent
    ./ start