Throwing a ConnectorException class object (Java Integration stage)

You can use the ConnectorException( class object from Processor implementation to stop a job that is running or to end a design-time operation with a message.

Use the ConnectorException class to log messages that do not include the stack trace information and also to assign message IDs to those messages.

In the following example, Java™ code constructs and throws a ConnectorException object after calling the Logger.setComponentID() method. The connector framework catches the exception, logs the error message An exception occurred. result=-1 and stops the job. The message ID is IIS-CONN-MYCONN-00999.

public class MyConnector extends Processor
   public MyConnector()

   public void process() throws Exception
      if (result < 0)
         throw new ConnectorException(999, " An exception occurred. result=" + result);