Configuring the ODBC driver and creating the data source (Linux and UNIX)
To configure the ODBC driver on Linux or UNIX, you set environment variables and specify parameters for the cac.ini file.
About this task
To configure the ODBC driver and create the data source:
- On the IBM®
InfoSphere® Information Server, set the following environment variables:
where install_path is /opt/ibm/wsclassic95 for Linux and /opt/IBM/wsclassic95 for UNIX and directory is any directory.LIBPATH=$LIBPATH:/install_path/cli/lib PATH=$PATH:/install_path/cli/bin CAC_CONFIG=/directory/cac.ini
- To create the data source, open the cac.ini file, as shown in the following example:
The configuration file resides in the installation directory /opt/IBM/wsclassic95/cli/lib/cac.ini for UNIX or /opt/ibm/wsclassic95/cli/lib/cac.ini for Linux. For the 64-bit version, the configuration file resides in the 64-bit lib subdirectories.**************************************************** * Sample CLI Client Configuration File * **************************************************** * messages and codes catalog NL CAT = /opt/IBM/wsclassic95/cli/lib NL = US English * user id/pwd needed for catalog security USERID = cacuser USERPASSWORD = cacpwd * default datasource location DEFLOC = CACSAMP DATASOURCE = CACSAMP tcp/ * performance and memory parameters FETCH BUFFER SIZE = 32000 MESSAGE POOL SIZE = 16777216 * codepage parameters SERVER CODEPAGE = IBM-037 CLIENT CODEPAGE = IBM-850
- Modify the DATASOURCE parameter. DATASOURCE is a required parameter that specifies the hostname, IP address, port, and name of the data source that the client attempts to connect to. The data source name that you enter ("CACSAMP" in the cac.ini example above) must match the name of the query processor service on the data server.
- To configure the data source for the DataDirect ODBC driver
manager, complete the following steps:
- Edit the odbc.ini file to add the new data source for
the client:
where client is cacsqlcli (UNIX) or (Linux).[ODBC data sources] CACSAMP=WebSphere Classic Federation client ... [CACSAMP] Driver=/opt/IBM/wsclassic95/cli/lib/lib64/client
- Make sure that the ODBCINI environment variable, which specifies the location of the odbc.ini file, is defined to the IBM InfoSphere DataStage®environment.
- Edit the odbc.ini file to add the new data source for
the client:
- Use the DataDirect "example" application that comes with InfoSphere Information Server to test the connection to the data server.
Parent topic: Configuring the ODBC driver