Making the parallel engine components available to compute nodes (AIX® Linux®)

When you configure an MPP system, you must make the parallel engine components available to all computers in your MPP system.

About this task

Use one of the following methods to make the parallel engine available to all the compute nodes in the MPP system:

  • You can globally cross-mount, typically by using network file system (NFS), a single directory on a single system containing the parallel engine software. This configuration makes software upgrades more convenient than if the parallel engine components are installed on all processing systems. If you are using NFS to globally mount the directory, mount it using the soft link option.
  • You can use a script to copy the parallel engine components to a directory with the same path name on all processing systems that you designate for processing parallel jobs.


  1. Cross mount your directories. Ensure that all mounted directories are exactly the same path from the root directory on all nodes.
    Option Description
    For non-NFS disks On the computer where you installed the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server engine, change the directory to the parallel engine directory (by default /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine).
    For NFS disks
    1. On the computer where you installed the IBM InfoSphere Information Server engine, change the directory to the directory where you installed InfoSphere Information Server (by default /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server).
    2. Change the directory to your InfoSphere Information Server projects directory (by default /opt/IBM/InformatonServer/Server/Projects).
  2. For non-NFS disks, enter the following command to copy
    install_dir/install/copy-orchdist node1 node2 ... nodeN
    For node1 to nodeN specify the new node names, separated by spaces.
  3. Add the nodes to the configuration files for jobs that will use the nodes.