The secure shell (ssh) program provides strong authentication
and secure communications between computers on a network.
Before you begin
Ensure that ssh servers are installed on all of the computers
where the parallel engine runs.
About this task
When you configure ssh to work with the parallel engine,
the engine connects from the conductor node to all of the compute
nodes, using RSA public key encryption for authentication. To set
up ssh, do the following task for each user that runs parallel jobs.
It is also necessary to log in to each computer before it can run
parallel jobs.
- On the conductor node, run the following command to create
public and private encryption keys. Press the Enter key twice when
you run the command.
ssh-keygen -b 1024 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa
The keys are saved in the ~/.ssh/id_rsa directory.
- If the user home directories are not automatically mounted,
run the following commands to send the public key to the other computers.
scp for each user on each compute node.
cd ~/.ssh
scp user@secondary_computer:~/.ssh
- Log in to each of the compute nodes and add the public
key to the list of authorized keys.
Repeat this process
for each user that runs parallel jobs.
cd .ssh
cat >> authorized_keys2
chmod 640 authorized_keys2
rm -f
The file that contains the authorized keys might be
named authorized_keys or authorized_keys2,
depending on the version of ssh.
- On the conductor node, run the following command for each
user and compute node to test the ssh configuration:
conductor_node_name% ssh computer_node_name ls
If the command is successful, you should be able to log
in to the remote shell without providing a password.
- On the conductor node, create the remsh file
in the /Server/PXEngine/etc/ directory. In the
file, specify the following content:
exec /usr/bin/ssh "$@"
The /Server/PXEngine/etc/ directory
is located in the directory where you installed the engine. The default
directory is /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/PXEngine/.
- Give the file execute permission: