Synchronizing assets manually

By default, data available in the application is synchronized automatically with InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog. However, in some cases you need to run manual synchronization.


In the following cases, you must synchronize data manually. Otherwise, it is not available in the application.
  • After you upgraded from an earlier version of InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog and already have data in the catalog. In this case, you must complete the following procedure only once. Use the -caDefinitions, -bundleAssets, and -all parameters together when you run the graph batchload command to synchronize all assets.
  • When you import assets of type ETL. Each time you import assets of this type to InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog by using the istool command, you must synchronize data manually. When you synchronize ETL assets manually, you must run the reindex steps in order to search for ETL assets in catalog search. For details, see the Rebuilding the index for InfoSphere Information Server clients topic.
  • After you install IBM® InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Search, you must synchronize the following asset types manually: Data Classes, Data Rules, Data Rule Sets, Data Rule Definitions, Data Rule Set Definitions, and Host.
  • When you manually install IBM InfoSphere Information Server Enterprise Search in addition to the base installation of IBM InfoSphere Information Server. You must synchronize all asset types, and rebuild the index. This applies to 11.7.0 releases.


For the location details, see the Location of the istool command line topic.

Command syntax

Optional parameters and optional values in the syntax are enclosed in brackets, [ ].
graph batchload
authentication parameters
[generic parameters] 


authentication parameters
Required. All asset interchange commands use authentication parameters to connect to a specific installation of InfoSphere Information Server.
generic parameters
The generic parameters are available to all asset interchange commands. Use the generic parameters to request help on command syntax, to specify silent or verbose operation, and to use a script to run commands.
-command | -c
Required. This parameter specifies the command to be run. Supported values are START, STOP, and CONTINUE.
-types | -t
One of parameters types, groups, bundleAssets, or bundleTypesOnly is required to start or restart the synchronization.
This parameter specifies the names of asset types to synchronize, along with all assets of these types. Separate the values with commas. The following table provides the values that are used with this command.
Asset group Asset type Value
Data Files Amazon S3 Bucket DataFileFolder
Data File DataFile
Data File Definition DataFileDef
Data File Definition Field DataField
Data File Definition Record DataCollection
Data File Field ASCLModel::DataField
Data File Folder DataFileFolder
Data File Record ASCLModel::DataField
Data Science Data Science Project AnalyticsProject
Data Science Model AnalyticsModel
Notebook Notebook
RShiny App RShinyApp
RShiny App Object RShinyAppObject
Glossary and Governance Term BusinessTerm
Category BusinessCategory
Information Governance Rule BusinessRule
Information Governance Policy GlossaryExtensions::Policy
Label BusinessDomain
Steward User
Data Class ASCLAnalysis::DataClass
Collection AssetCollection
Automation Rule Rule
Master Data Management MDM Model IISMDMModel
Physical Object IISMDMPhysicalObject
Physical Object Attribute IISMDMPhysicalObjectAttribute
Member Type IISMDMMember
Attribute IISMDMMemberAttribute
Composite View IISMDMCompositeView
Entity Type IISMDMEntity
Attribute Type IISMDMSegment
Attribute Type Field IISMDMSegmentField
Business Intelligence BI Server BIServer
BI Folder BIFolder
BI Report ReportDef
BI Report Query ReportDataSet
BI Report Query Item ReportDataItem
BI Model OLAPModel
BI Collection OLAPCollection
BI Collection Member OLAPMember
BI Cube OLAPCube
ETL Transformation Project DSProject
Job DSJobDef
Shared Container DSSharedContainerDef
Table Definition DSTableDefinition
Column Definition DSColumnDefinition
Stage DSStage
Stage Column DataStageX::DSFlowVariable
Stage Variable DSFlowVariable
Parameter Set DSParameterSet
Routine DSRoutine
Link DSLink
Databases Host HostSystem
Database Database
Database Schema DataSchema
Database View DataCollection
Database Column DataField
Database Table DataCollection
Database Alias DataCollection
Stored Procedure StoredProcedure
Stored Procedure Parameter ParameterDef
Data Quality Data Rule Definition Rule
Data Rule Set Definition RuleSet
Data Rule RuleExecutable
Data Rule Set RuleExecutable
Match Specification DSDataQualitySpec
Metric MetricComponent
Standardization Rule Set DSDataQualitySpec
Physical Data Model Physical Data Model PhysicalModel
Design Table DataCollection
Design View DataCollection
Design Column DataField
Design Stored Procedure StoredProcedure
Design Stored Procedure Parameter ParameterDef
Logical Data Model Logical Data Model LogicalModel
Logical Entity Entity
Entity Attribute ASCLLogicalModel::Attribute
Subject Area ASCLLogicalModel::SubjectArea
Mappings and Specifications Extension Mapping Document MappingDoc
Extension Mapping MwbExtensions::Mapping
Mapping Project Project
Mapping Specification MappingSpecification
Folder ASCLCommonProject::Folder
Unstructured Data Sources Instance SIQInstance
InfoSet Infoset
Volume Volume
Filter siq::Filter
XML Schema Definitions XML Schema Definition XSDSchema
XML Schema Library ContractLibrary
XSD Element XSDElement
XSD Attribute XSDAttribute
XSD Simple Type XSDSimpleType
XSD Element Group XSDElementGroup
XSD Attribute Group XSDAttributeGroup
XSD Complex Type XSDComplexType
Other Data Connection DataConnection
-groups | -g
One of parameters types, groups, bundleAssets, or bundleTypesOnly is required to start or restart the synchronization.
This parameter specifies the names of asset groups to synchronize, along with all assets under these groups. Separate the values with commas. The following table provides the values that are used with this command. You can use either the long, or short version of the value.
This table provides asset groups and a long and short value for each group that is valid for the graph batchload command.
Asset group Value
Data Files
  • DataFiles
  • df
Data Science
  • DataScience
  • dsx
Glossary and Governance
  • GlossaryAndGovernance
  • igc
Master Data Management
  • MasterDataManagement
  • mdm
Business Intelligence
  • BusinessIntelligence
  • bi
  • Databases
  • db
Data Quality
  • DataQuality
  • dq
Physical Data Models
  • PhysicalDataModels
  • pdm
Logical Data Models
  • LogicalDataModels
  • ldm
Mappings and Specifications
  • MappingsAndSpecifications
  • mas
Unstructured Data Sources
  • UnstructuredDataSources
  • siq
Common Project Group
  • CommonProjectGroup
  • cpg
XML Schema Definitions
  • XMLSchemaDefinitions
  • xsd
Other Other
-all | -a
Optional. This parameter specifies that all supported asset types and assets are synchronized, except definitions of custom attributes of type relationship. To synchronize relationships between assets defined by these definitions, run synchronization with both -caDefinitions and -all parameters.
-caDefinitions | -cad
Optional. This parameter specifies that all existing definitions of custom attributes of type relationship are synchronized. The actual relationships between assets that are defined by using these custom attributes are not synchronized when you use this parameter.
-caValuesOnly | -cav
Optional. This parameter specifies that all relationships between assets which are defined by custom attributes of type relationship are synchronized. The definitions of these custom attributes are not synchronized when you use this parameter.
When you use the caValuesOnly parameter, you must also specify one of parameters types, groups, all, or rids.
-bundleAssets | -ba
One of parameters types, groups, bundleAssets, or bundleTypesOnly is required to start or restart the synchronization.
This parameter synchronizes custom asset types and assets that you registered by using REST API, and also asset types and assets from the Applications, Stored Procedure Definitions and Files groups. This parameter has no value. When specified, all custom asset types and assets are synchronized.
-bundleTypesOnly | -bto
One of parameters types, groups, bundleAssets, or bundleTypesOnly is required to start or restart the synchronization.
This parameter synchronizes custom asset types that you registered by using REST API, without synchronizing assets. This parameter has no value. When specified, all custom asset types are synchronized.
-threads | -thr
Deprecated. This parameter has no effect.
-rids | -r
Optional. This parameter specifies the rids (unique identifiers of assets) of particular assets that you want to synchronize.
The CONTINUE command is not supported for this option.


  • Start the synchronization of selected assets, and all custom assets:
    graph batchload -u isadmin -p mypassword -c START -types DSProject,DSJobDef,DSSharedContainerDef,DSLocalContainerDef,DSTableDefinition -bundleAssets
  • Stop the synchronization of selected assets, and all custom assets:
    graph batchload -u isadmin -p mypassword -c STOP
  • Restart the synchronization of selected groups, and all custom assets:
    graph batchload -u isadmin -p mypassword -c CONTINUE -groups igc,db -bundleAssets

Checking synchronization status

You can check the status of the synchronization process in the following mappers log file:
kubectl logs shop4info-mappers-service-0
Depending on the process status, you can see the following messages:
  • The synchronization process is started:
    2019-05-13 06:47:40.455  INFO    NONE 8 --- [threadname] c.i.i.u.k.i.InitialLoadMapper            : Started
  • The new synchronization process is started when the previous one is not finished:
    2019-05-13 06:47:40.517  INFO    NONE 8 --- [threadname] c.i.i.u.k.i.InitialLoadMapper            : Already running
    Note: The new synchronization process cannot be started when a previous one is still in progress. Wait for the first process to finish and then start a new one.
  • The synchronization process finished for one asset type:
    2019-05-13 06:48:05.124  INFO    NONE 8 --- [threadname] c.i.i.u.k.i.TypeListProcessor            : Completed processing type: BusinessRule
Note: If you notice Unexpected mismatch of provider types errors in the log file, see the technote for more information.