
When you use the InfoSphere® Streams connector, you might encounter errors that can be fixed by troubleshooting, adjusting values for properties or configuration. The most common types of errors that you might encounter are Name Server Authorization errors, runtime errors, and GUI errors.

Name Server Authorization errors

If there are problems with the HTTPS communication when you are accessing the InfoSphere SWS Streams name server service, you might encounter any one of the following authorization errors:
Table 1. Authorization errors
Error details Troubleshooting details
Invalid keystore file:
Failed to lookup 
the name from the name server: 
Truststore file does not exist: 

If the errors occur when you are testing the connection by using the test link in the InfoSphere Streams connector stage user interface, to correct the error, verify, and configure the name server authentication and client authentication as required.

If the error persists, verify that the ASB agent is working and if required restart the ASB agent on your server that hosts the Information Server engine tier.

Note: For details about the InfoSphere Streams SWS security settings, see the InfoSphere Streams Installation and Administration Guide.
Invalid client certificate file:
Failed to lookup the 
name from the name server: 
Problem accessing key store 
Keystore file does not exist: bad.p12
Invalid client certificate password:
Failed to lookup 
the name from the name server:
Problem accessing key store Unable to verify 
Client authentication is enabled
in the Streams Name Server 
but not configured in the 
Streams Connector:
Failed to lookup 
the name from the name server:  
Software caused connection
abort: socket write error
Server certificate is updated 
on the Streams server, but the 
client keystore is out of date 
with respect to the server certificate:
Failed to lookup 
the name from the name server: 
PKIX path building failed:
unable to find valid 
certification path to requested target

Runtime errors

You might encounter the following error when you are running an InfoSphere Streams job:
Table 2. Runtime errors
Error details Troubleshooting details
Streams_Stage_5, 0: 
End point name <endpoint name> 
was not found.

This error occurs when the InfoSphere Streams application that contains the specific endpoint is not registered with the InfoSphere Streams Name Server, either because the InfoSphere Streams application is not running, or because it is in invalid state.

To check the status of the InfoSphere Streams job, log in to the InfoSphere Streams server, run the streams toolkit command lsjobs, and then verify the Healthy status of the listed job, for example:
$ streamtool lsjobs -i
<My Streams Instance name>
Instance:<My Streams instance name>
Id  State   Healthy  User                				
2   Running no      dsadm   
<My Streams job name>
Login to host <hostname:port_number> 
with user <user name> failed.

This error occurs when the LDAP password of InfoSphere Streams server user account is changed.

To correct this error, you must re-create the InfoSphere Streams instance and update the InfoSphere Streams name server password in DataStage® jobs.

Note: For more information about the Streams concepts, see the InfoSphere Streams documentation.

GUI errors

When you click Configure on the InfoSphere Streams connector stage user interface to select an endpoint, either the user interface might hang, or nothing happens, or you might encounter the following error:
Table 3. GUI errors
Error details Troubleshooting details
Failed to instantiate the 
resource wrapper class.

This error occurs because of a problem in communication between the InfoSphere Streams connector stage user interface and the ASB agent.

To correct the error, you must restart the ASB agent service on your server that hosts the Information Server engine tier, and try again to select the endpoint.

Testing the connection by using the test link in the InfoSphere Streams connector stage is not working as expected. The error is as follows:
  • Testing the connection by using the test link in the InfoSphere Streams connector stage works successfully even after uou have set invalid Keystore file, invalid Client certificate, or invalid Certificate password properties. In this error, if the first connection by using the test link in the InfoSphere Streams connector stage is successful, the following test connections are successful regardless of the values for the Keystore file, Client certificate, or Certificate password properties.
  • Testing the connection by using the test link in the InfoSphere Streams connector stage does not work successfully even after you have set valid Keystore file, valid Client certificate, and valid Certificate password properties. In this error, if the first connection by using the test link in the InfoSphere Streams connector stage is unsuccessful, the following test connections are unsuccessful regardless of the values for the Keystore file, Client certificate, or Certificate password properties.

This error occurs because the InfoSphere Streams connector is loaded by the ASB Server, and the keystore and client certificate properties are set as system properties of Java™ Virtual Machine loaded by the ASB Server at the time when the test connection call is issued. Once the Java Virtual Machine system properties are set they cannot be changed until Java Virtual Machine is reloaded, that is, ASB Server is restarted. Because the other connectors depend on ASB server, ASB Server Java Virtual Machine cannot be reloaded on Streams test connection call.

To correct the error, modify the InfoSphere Streams connector connection properties (Keystore file, Client certificate, or Certificate password properties), then restart the ASB agent service on your server that hosts the Information Server engine tier, and, try again to test the InfoSphere Streams connection.