WebSphere Application Server cluster administration tools
You use the following tools to install, configure, and administer IBM® WebSphere® Application Server clusters.
This information assumes that you have completed the required procedures for installing a highly available clustered configuration. For more information, refer to New installation road map (high availability clustered topology).
- WebSphere Application Server administrative console
- The WebSphere Application Server administrative console is a Web interface that provides configuration, operation, and administration capabilities. You can use the administrative console to start and stop an application, deploy an application, configure resources, and implement security configurations.
- WebSphere Application Server Launchpad
- The WebSphere Application Server Launchpad identifies components on the WebSphere Application Server product media (disk or download) that you can install. It is the single point of reference for installing the WebSphere Application Server environment, an integrated platform that contains an application server, a Web server, a set of Web development tools, and additional supporting software and documentation.
- WebSphere Edge Components Launchpad
- The WebSphere Application Server Edge
Components Launchpad contains a software load balancer. You can use
this tool to front an IBM
WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cluster
instead of using the IBM HTTP
For information about WebSphere Edge Components, Version 8.5, refer to: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r5/topic/com.ibm.websphere.edge.doc/lb/welcome_edge.html
- Profile Management tool
- The Profile Management tool performs the initial setup of WebSphere Application Server cells and nodes. The Profile Management tool creates batch jobs, scripts, and data files that you can use to do WebSphere Application Server customization tasks.
- InfoSphere® Information Server installation program
- The InfoSphere Information Server installation program detects the deployment manager process that is installed as a prerequisite on your computer and prompts you for the information that it needs to run a cluster installation.
For more information about WebSphere Application Server,
see the WebSphere Application Server documentation:
- IBM WebSphere Application Server, Version 8.5: publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v8r5/topic/com.ibm.websphere.nd.multiplatform.doc/ae/welcome_ndmp.html