Managing schedules
In the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server Web console, you can query all of the schedules that are defined across all of the suite components, check their status, history, and forecast, perform maintenance tasks such as purging the schedule execution history, and stop or start existing schedules to prevent system overload.
Many of the suite components use scheduling capabilities. For example, a report run and an analysis job in IBM InfoSphere Information Analyzer are scheduled tasks. Typically, you create, update, and manage these schedules in the suite component. For example, you create a schedule for a column analysis job to run weekly in an InfoSphere Information Analyzer project in the IBM InfoSphere Information Server console.
As a suite administrator, you might also want to have a global view of all of the scheduled activities that are created by each of the suite components to ensure that enough resources are available to process these schedules and to monitor who is scheduling tasks and with what frequency.
You access schedules from a view, which filters the events based on criteria that you set.
A view can be private or shared. A suite administrator or suite user who creates a private view has exclusive access to the view.
You create a schedule view to access and manage a list of scheduled tasks.
To create a schedule view that is based on the configuration details of a previous schedule, you can create a copy of a schedule view.
You can view the schedules that are captured by a schedule view.
To pause a set of schedules, you can pause all of the schedules that are captured by a schedule view.
After you pause all of the schedules in a schedule view, you can resume all of the schedules that are captured by the scheduled view.
To quickly purge the run history of a number of schedules, you can purge the history of a schedule view. The run history for all of the schedules that are captured by the schedule view are purged from the metadata repository.
After you create a schedule view, you can access the individual schedules and schedule tasks that are captured by the view. You can stop and start the individual tasks. Additionally, you can view a summary of the completed tasks, the running tasks, or the future tasks that are captured by that view.