Post installation required fixes

Complete a few additional tasks after you install IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server with optional Information Enterprise Search to make sure that you are ready for your first use of the newly installed software.


  1. For an IBM InfoSphere Information Server installation with IBM WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment, configure the domain names so the Launchpad on the Enterprise Search node can correctly redirect to the InfoSphere Information Server node URLs.
    1. To set the domain names on the Information Server node, run the following command:
      <Installation Directory>/ASBServer/bin/ -set -key -value <Domain Name or comma-separated Domain Names>
    2. To check the domain name setting on the Information Server node, run the following command:
      <Installation Directory>/ASBServer/bin/ -display -key 
  2. For an IBM InfoSphere Information Server installation with IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile, configure the certificates for Data Flow Designer.
    1. Run the following command to accept the certificate from the Enterprise Search node on the Information Server node:
      <Installation Directory>/ASBNode/bin/ -url https://<Information Server Enterprise Search node>:443 -user <IS Admin User ID> -password <IS Admin Password>
    2. Restart the Data Flow Designer service on the Information Server node by running the following commands:
      cd <Installation Directory>/ASBNode/CognitiveDesignerEngine