Complete a few additional
after you install IBM®
InfoSphere® Information Server with optional
Information Enterprise Search to make sure that you are ready for your first use of the newly
installed software.
- For an IBM
InfoSphere Information Server installation
with IBM
WebSphere® Application Server Network Deployment,
configure the domain names so the Launchpad on the Enterprise Search node can correctly redirect to
the InfoSphere Information Server node URLs.
- To set the domain names on the Information Server node, run the following
<Installation Directory>/ASBServer/bin/ -set -key -value <Domain Name or comma-separated Domain Names>
- To check the domain name setting on the Information Server node, run the following
<Installation Directory>/ASBServer/bin/ -display -key
- For an IBM
InfoSphere Information Server installation
with IBM
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile,
configure the certificates for Data Flow Designer.
- Run the following command to accept the certificate from the Enterprise Search node on
the Information Server node:
<Installation Directory>/ASBNode/bin/ -url https://<Information Server Enterprise Search node>:443 -user <IS Admin User ID> -password <IS Admin Password>
- Restart the Data Flow Designer service on the Information Server node by running the
following commands:
cd <Installation Directory>/ASBNode/CognitiveDesignerEngine