Preparing all nodes

Before you install IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server with optional Enterprise Search, you must prepare all nodes on your cluster by completing a common series of steps.

About this task

Complete the following steps on each node in your cluster to prepare them for installation of IBM InfoSphere Information Server with optional Enterprise Search.


  1. Check to ensure the node has at least 32 GB of memory by running the following command:
    expr `grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'` / 1024000
  2. Check to ensure that the node has at least eight cores by running the following command:
    grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo
  3. Ensure that the file creation mask value is 0022.
    • To check the value, run the following command:
    • To set the value for the current session, run the following command:
      umask 0022
  4. Ensure that the Maximum number of Allowed Open Files setting is at least 10240.
    1. Check the Maximum number of Allowed Open Files setting by running the following command:
      ulimit -n
    2. Configure the Maximum number of Allowed Open Files setting for the current session, so that the installation can succeed, by running the following command:
      ulimit -n 10240
    3. Create the /etc/security/limits.d/42-nofile.conf file with the following content to make the Maximum number of Allowed Open Files setting permanent:
      * soft nofile 10240 
      * hard nofile 10240
  5. Ensure that the Max User Processes value is at least 10240.
    1. Check the Max User Processes settings by running the following command:
      ulimit -u
    2. Configure the Max User Processes settings for the current session, so that the installation can succeed, by running the following command:
      ulimit -u 10240
    3. Create the file /etc/security/limits.d/44-nproc.conf file with the following content to make the Max User Processes settings permanent
      * soft nproc 10240 
      * hard nproc 10240
  6. Disable Firewall Daemon if it is configured. Firewall Daemon must be disabled for the installation to complete successfully.
    1. Check the Firewall Daemon status by running the following command:
      systemctl status firewalld
    2. Stop Firewall Daemon by running the following command:
      systemctl stop firewalld
    3. Remove symlinks to Firewall Daemon and reload all services by running the following command:
      systemctl disable firewalld
    4. Make it permanently impossible to start the Firewall Daemon service by running the following command:
      systemctl mask firewalld
  7. Disable Secure Linux if it is being enforced. This step is necessary because WebSphere® Application Server is not compatible with Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux).
    1. Check the Secure Linux status. The status that you can expect to be returned is Disabled, Permissive, or Enforcing.
      Note: A status of Permissive is also acceptable in addition to a status of Disabled.

      Run the following command:

    2. Disable Secure Linux temporarily so the installation can succeed by running the following command:
      setenforce -1
    3. Disable Secure Linux permanently by replacing the SELINUX=... line in the file /etc/selinux/config with the following string: