Post installation service checks

Complete a few service checks after you install IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server to make sure that you are ready for your first use of the newly installed software.

About this task

Important: If you installed IBM InfoSphere Information Server but did not install Enterprise Search or IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog, complete the service checks in this topic to make sure that you are ready for your first use of the software. If you installed Enterprise Search or IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog, you can disregard this topic.


  1. Ensure that all shared open source services are up and running on the Information Server node. Check the status of the services by running the following command:
    cd <Installation Directory>/shared-open-source/bin 
  2. Ensure that the ODF Engine is up and running on the Information Server node by running the following command:
    service ODFEngine status
  3. Ensure that all IBM InfoSphere Information Server services are up and running on the Information Server node. If they are not all up and running, complete the following steps.
    1. Stop all IBM InfoSphere Information Server services with the following commands in this order:
      service ISFServer stop 
      service ODFEngine stop 
      cd <Installation Directory>/shared-open-source/bin 
    2. Start all IBM InfoSphere Information Server services with the following commands in this order:
      cd <Installation Directory>/shared-open-source/bin 
      service ODFEngine start 
      service ISFServer start