Use the GUI installer to install IBM®
InfoSphere® Information Server with optional
Enterprise Search. For information about installing IBM
InfoSphere Information Server with the
microservices tier, see Installing with the
microservices tier, 11.7.1.
Start the GUI installer in uninterruptable mode in the background on the Information Server
node by running the following commands:
cd <Download Directory>/is-suite
nohup ./setup &
tail -f nohup.out
Important: To prevent the possibility of an inactive SSH session being killed, as Mac OS
or some devices might do, after issuing the nohup command, exit the SSH
session. Now, the nohup command will not get killed because of an inactive SSH
session. Then, start another SSH session to tail the nohup log, install log, and so forth.
- Open the URL https://<Information Server
Node>:8446/ISInstall when you are prompted and proceed with the standard
installation process until you reach the Information Server Enterprise Search (ISES)
installation window.
- Provide the following values in the Information Server Enterprise Search (ISES)
installation window if you want Enterprise Search installed as part of Information Server
installation. Otherwise choose to skip this part of the installation. You have the option to install
Enterprise Search later manually. This window is shown only if this node includes the Services Tier
and either Information Governance Catalog, InfoSphere Information
Analyzer, or
Governance Monitoring is selected.
- Continue following the rest of the installation procedure windows until installation is