Frequently asked questions about migration
Find the answers to frequently asked questions about migration, such as how do I manually migrate InfoSphere® DataStage® project environment variables and how do I know if all third-party library files are available.
How do I manually migrate environment variables for IBM® InfoSphere DataStage jobs?
manually migrate project environment variables, perform the following
- Merge the contents of the InfoSphere DataStage settings files.
- During the import process, if the variable definitions are used as parameter variables in the job or parameter set, InfoSphere DataStage creates the required environment variable definitions in the project. In general, you set project environment variable values, if required, and any environment variables that are required by third-party components and are not referenced as job parameters, for example variables for the Oracle database or the IBM Db2 database. For more information about migrating these settings, see Merging the contents of the InfoSphere DataStage settings files. Do not directly edit the DSParams project files. Instead, for versions 8.5 fix pack 2 and before, you can use the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator or the dsadm command to set the variables manually. For versions 8.5 fix pack 2 and after, you can export the user variables by using the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator and import them using the InfoSphere DataStage Administrator, Version 11.5 to set the variables. You can use the dsadmin command line tools to set the variables for all versions.
- If the platforms are changing, there are some environment variable settings that you do not copy, for example, compiler settings and operating-system-specific paths.
- There may be specific non-default settings which you have set on your source system and you need to preserve. Review the DSParams EnvVarValues section on the source computer for these settings.
How do I determine if all third-party library files are available?

ldd<shared module name>
To determine if all third-party libraries are available
use the Dependency Walker, which is a free tool and is available at