Configuration parameters in the config.ini file

The config.ini configuration file contains parameters for the IBM® Glossary Anywhere client.


The parameters in the config.ini file configure settings such as configuration to the server that hosts IBM InfoSphere® Information Governance Catalog and preferences such as text capture method, display language, and what types of items to display. Glossary Anywhere uses the settings in the config.ini file the first time that the client is installed. If you install an update, the settings that exist on the client are retained.

For most parameters, you can set the value for each parameter or accept the default value, if one exists. Host Configuration settings must be specified as appropriate to your environment.

Parameters that are not specified in the config.ini file are set to the defaults. If the config.ini file is not found during the installation process, then the defaults are used for all parameters.

Note: To change these parameters after the initial installation of the client, edit the parameters in the Settings tabs of each client.

General settings

Writes log messages to the log file in this directory.
Optional: Type the complete directory path on the local disk of the client computer.
The default directory is %APPDATA%\IBM\BusinessGlossaryAnywhere\logs.
Text you enter here is displayed on the Welcome screen beneath the product title and at the bottom of the Glossary Anywhere.
Optional: Type in any alphanumeric text. The text does not extend beyond the width of the window and is truncated at the end of the last complete word. Do not include graphics such as company logos.
The default text is blank.
Sets time interval for updating search result list with new terms added in Information Governance Catalog. The value is expressed in minutes.
For example, when the value is set to 5, it means that when you add a term in Information Governance Catalog, that term is added to the search result list of Glossary Anywhere after 5 minutes.
The default value is 60.

Text capture settings

You can specify the method that users can use to capture text. You can choose from mouse and keyboard capture, keyboard capture, and keyboard from selected text capture. All or any combination of these methods can be enabled at the same time.

If MouseCapture is true, users can click a mouse button in combination with pressing keyboard keys to specify a word or string they want to search for in the business glossary. Mouse capture can be specified to be from the left, middle, or right mouse button with the MouseCaptureModifiers parameter. The keyboard key or keys are specified with the MouseCaptureModifiers parameter. Users select the text with the mouse button, and the string is captured and placed in the search window when the user presses the specified keyboard keys.
The default is true.
When mouse and keyboard capture is enabled (MouseCapture is true), this parameter specifies the keys that can be used for capture of the string that the user selects with the mouse. Possible values are: MOD_CONTROL: Control (Ctrl) key; MOD_SHIFT: Shift key; or MOD_ALT: Alternate (Alt) key or any combination of these keys. For combinations, separate each value with a comma.
The default is the Shift key. The value takes effect only if MouseCapture is true.
Specifies the left, middle, or right mouse button for mouse capture of a specified string to search for in the business glossary. Possible values are: 1: Left mouse button; 2: Right mouse button; 4: Middle mouse button.
The default is the right mouse button. The value takes effect only if MouseCapture is true.
If CaptureFromClipboard is true, users can select a string of text in a document and the captured text is searched for in the business glossary. The text can be single or multiple words. The default is true.
Specifies an alphanumeric or function key to be used to capture text in combination with the Alternate (Alt), Shift, or Control (Ctrl) keys (or combinations of these keys) when keyboard from selected text capture is specified (CaptureFromClipboard is true).
The default is the alphanumeric character L. The value takes effect only if CaptureFromClipboard is true.
Specifies the keyboard keys to be used when keyboard from selected text capture is specified (CaptureFromClipboard is true). Possible values are: MOD_CONTROL: Control (Ctrl) key; MOD_SHIFT: Shift key; or MOD_ALT: Alternate (Alt) key or any combination of these keys. Separate each key specification with a comma (,) for multiple-key capture.
The default is Ctrl+Shift (Control and Shift keys pressed simultaneously.) The value takes effect only if CaptureFromClipboard is true.

Host configuration settings

The value of HostName depends on whether WebSphere® Application Server clustering is set up within your services tier configuration.
Table 1. Value of HostName parameter according to services tier configuration
Services tier configuration HostName value
Clustered HostName is the name or IP address and the port of the front-end dispatcher (either the Web server or the load balancer).

Do not use the host name of a particular cluster member.

Non-clustered HostName is the host name or IP address of the computer where WebSphere Application Server is installed.
Specifies the port number of the Web console of the server or front-end dispatcher that is specified in the ServerName parameter.
The value of Port depends on whether IBM WebSphere Application Server clustering is set up within your services tier configuration.
Table 2. Value of Port parameter according to services tier configuration
Services tier configuration Port value
Clustered Port is the port of the front-end dispatcher (either the Web server or the load balancer).

Do not use the port of a particular cluster member.

Non-clustered Port is the port that is assigned to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server Web console.
Specifies the name of a user account that has access to InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog on the server in the HostName parameter.
The user must have an Information Governance Catalog Glossary Basic User role or higher.
There is no default value.
Specifies the password of the user account in the UserName parameter.
The password is not encrypted and can be seen by anyone who opens the config.ini file.
There is no default value.
When EnableDesktopSSOConfiguration is true, a check box is displayed on the Glossary Anywhere Settings page that users can select if they want to use Windows desktop single sign-on. InfoSphere Information Server must be configured to support Windows desktop single sign-on for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog for this parameter to take effect. If EnableDesktopSSOConfiguration is true, users can override the EnableDesktopSSO setting in the config.ini file.
The default is false.
Specifies whether Glossary Anywhere uses Windows desktop credentials when communicating with the server, if EnableDesktopSSOConfiguration is false. When set to true, user credential fields are not displayed in the Glossary Anywhere Settings tab. InfoSphere Information Server must be configured to support Windows desktop single sign-on for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog for this parameter to take effect.
The default is false.
Note: If EnableDesktopSSOConfiguration is set to true, then users can override the EnableDesktopSSO setting.
Specifies which minimum version of the TLS protocol can be used to communicate with the server.
The default value is TLS, which means that any version of the TLS protocol is supported.
To allow specific versions to be used, for example only TLS 1.2, specify TLSv1.2. To allow TLS 1.1 and 1.2, specify TLSv1.1.

User preference settings

Defines the language for the client to use. The default setting is English (United States).
Note: If the config.ini file is not found, the default is still English (United States).
If the server is set to a different language than the client, then when the client connects to the server, the client language setting is changed to that of the server. The user is prompted to restart the client for the new setting to take effect.
The following values are supported:
Table 3. Language values
Value Language
ar Arabic
en-US English (United States)
de-DE German
es-ES Spanish
fr-FR French
he-IL Hebrew
it-IT Italian
ja-JP Japanese
ko-KR Korean
pt-BR Portuguese (Brazil)
ru-RU Russian
zh-CN Simplified Chinese
zh-TW Traditional Chinese

Specifies whether the Glossary Anywhere welcome screen displays at startup. Possible values are true (the screen displays) and false (the screen does not display). Users can also select a checkbox to disable or enable this display.

The default is true.
This parameter sets the number of items that are displayed in the Glossary Anywhere window at one time. The available choices are 20, 50, or 100.
The default is 20.

Search items settings

Specifies the types of assets in the catalog that are searched for specified text. Choices are terms, categories, BI (Business Intelligence) reports, BI report fields, BI report models, BI report collections, BI report members, and applications. If multiple assets are specified, separate each with a comma (,).
Table 4. Types of assets that you can search for
Asset type Value for SelectedSearchClasses
term eclass:ASCLModel*BusinessTerm
category eclass:ASCLModel*BusinessCategory
BI report eclass:ASCLBI*ReportDef
BI report field eclass:ASCLBI*ReportField
BI model eclass:ASCLBI*OLAPModel
BI collection eclass:ASCLBI*OLAPCollection
BI collection member eclass:ASCLBI*OLAPMember
application eclass:MwbExtensions*EDS_Application
The default is terms and categories.

Log information settings

Specifies the level of details that are written to the log files. The parameter can have the following values:
Value Trace level information
Off No tracing and debugging messages.
Error Error messages.
Warning Warning and error messages.
Info Informational, warning and error messages.
Verbose All tracing and debugging messages.
Note: This parameter is saved in the user.config file that is in the %APPDATA%\IBM\BusinessGlossaryAnywhere directory. To change its value, complete the following steps:
  1. Make sure that Glossary Anywhere is not running.
  2. In the user.config file, change the value of the parameter, for example <TraceLevel>Verbose</TraceLevel>.
  3. Save the changes.

Sample config.ini file

This sample file configures Glossary Anywhere to write informational messages to a log file in C:\IBM\BGA\LOGS. Errors are also sent to the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer. The company name, Acme Enterprises, is included in the Welcome and Getting Started windows. The welcome screen is displayed on startup, and 20 search results are displayed at one time in the Glossary Anywhere window. InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog is installed on a server called sample_server. The display language is Japanese. Users can use either mouse and keyboard capture or keyboard from selected text capture. They cannot use keyboard capture because CaptureAtCaret is set to false. With mouse and keyboard capture, users press the Control and Shift keys simultaneously to capture the word selected with the mouse. With keyboard from selected text capture, users press the Control key to capture the selected string. Searches will be made of terms, categories, and BI reports.

CustomizedText=JKK Enterprises
MouseCaptureModifiers=MOD_SHIFT, MOD_ALT