Application server system log files

The application server log files contain information that you can use to monitor the startup of the application server and diagnose errors.

WebSphere® Application Server logs

These files are located in the following directories on each node in your WebSphere Application Server installation:
Operating system Directory
AIX® Solaris path/profiles/profile/logs/server1
Linux path/profiles/profile/logs/server1
Windows path\profiles\profile\logs\server1
The WebSphere Application Server installation path. By default, path is one of the following paths:
Operating system Directory
AIX Solaris opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Linux opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Windows C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
The profile name where IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server is installed. For a stand-alone installation, the default value is InfoSphere. For a clustered installation, the default value for a custom profile is Customxx, where xx is the number of the profile.
The name of the application server. For a stand-alone installation, the default value is server1. For cluster installations, there might be multiple application server directories under the custom profile. The typical value is serverx, where x is the number of the application server instance. For a Deployment Manager profile, the default value is dmgr. For a node agent under the custom profile, the default value is nodeagent.
The following log files can be found in these directories:
WebSphere Application Server messages to STDOUT are redirected to this file.
WebSphere Application Server messages to STDERR are redirected to this file.
For more information about WebSphere Application Server log files, see the WebSphere Application Server documentation:
  • For Version, go to the WebSphere Application Server information center and read Using basic or traditional message logs to troubleshoot applications

WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile logs

The log files are located in the following directory:
Operating system Directory
AIX Solaris IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/logs
Linux IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/logs
Windows IS_install_path\wlp\usr\servers\iis\logs

The following log files can be found in the directory:

Current log.
Previous logs.