Installing VSAM target servers

You can follow the installation customization process to install and customize an VSAM target server on one LPAR. In this case, the corresponding source server is installed on another LPAR.

Before you begin

Before you begin the installation customization process, you must complete the SMP/E installation and the steps that are required to prepare the installation environment.


  1. Edit the user samples allocation utility JCL in the installation samples member for Data Replication for VSAM, SCACSAMP(CECCUSV1).
    Follow the instructions in the JCL to edit the job card and procedure variables and to specify the following input parameters:
    The value that is specified for the CACINHLQ keyword must match the high-level qualifier of the installation data sets that the SMP/E installation produces for Data Replication for VSAM.
    The value that is specified for the CACUSHLQ keyword is the high-level qualifier for the USERHLQ.USERSAMP and USERHLQ.USERCONF data sets that the samples allocation utility creates or updates.
    The value that is specified for the CACDUNIT keyword identifies the disk unit that is used when allocating the USERHLQ.USERSAMP and USERHLQ.USERCONF data sets. This is an optional parameter. You do not need to specify a value for CACDUNIT if SMS manages the data sets.
    The value that is specified for the CACDVOLM keyword identifies the disk volume that is used when allocating the USERHLQ.USERSAMP and USERHLQ.USERCONF data sets. This is an optional parameter. You do not need to specify a value for CACDVOLM if SMS manages the data sets.
    The value that is specified for the CACSTGCL keyword identifies the SMS storage class that is used when allocating the USERHLQ.USERSAMP and USERHLQ.USERCONF data sets. This is an optional parameter. Specify a value for CACSTGCL only when a specific storage class is required.
    The value that is specified for the CACMGTCL keyword identifies the SMS management class that is used when allocating the USERHLQ.USERSAMP and USERHLQ.USERCONF data sets. This is an optional parameter. Specify a value for CACMGTCL only when a specific management class is required.
    The value that is specified for the ISPFHLQ keyword identifies the high-level qualifier for the ISPF installation. The samples allocation utility runs a TSO batch application and uses TSO functions.
    The value that is specified for the ISPFLANG keyword identifies the language prefix for the ISPF installation.
    The value that is specified for the SERVERROLE keyword identifies the type of Classic data server to install and customize. Specify the value VSAMR_TARGET to generate the JCL and components that are required for a target server environment for Data Replication for VSAM.
  2. Submit SCACSAMP(CECCUSV1) to allocate the USERHLQ.USERSAMP and USERHLQ.USERCONF data sets. Verify that all job steps result in a return code <= 4.

    This job populates the USERHLQ.USERSAMP data set with the necessary objects and the customization parameters file for Data Replication for VSAM, CECCUSPV.

  3. Edit the Data Replication for VSAM customization parameters file USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECCUSPV) to provide customization parameters.

    This file contains only the parameters that apply to a target server environment. See the customization parameters file settings for details.

  4. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECCUSV2) customization utility JCL. Verify that all job steps result in a return code <= 4.

    The USERHLQ.USERSAMP data set is populated with the customized JCL and objects that are needed to run a target server.

  5. Define the z/OS® log stream for the event log and the diagnostic log for the target server.
    1. Verify that you have the authority that is required to run the Administrative Data Utility (IXCMIAPU).
      The job that defines the logs runs this utility.
    2. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECVTSLS) JCL to define the log stream and logs.
    3. Verify that all job steps result in a return code = 0.
  6. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECVTCFG) JCL to allocate and initialize the target server configuration.
    This job populates the configuration with the service definitions that are needed for a target server environment. Verify that all job steps result in a return code = 0.

    • If you have indicated that you are not planning on using this target server to replicate changes to CICS journal log Streams (VSAPJRNL=N), ensure that the Data Replication for VSAM CICS® environment is set up and is running. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECCRDEF) JCL to define the CICS objects required for Data Replication for VSAM. The defined objects include programs, transactions, and files.
    • If you indicated that you plan on using this target server to replicate changes to CICS journal log Streams (VSAPJRNL=Y), submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECVTLKA) JCL to define and initialize a VSAM look aside file.
  7. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECVTSUB) JCL to allocate the subscription and replication-mapping data sets for the target server along with the VSAM file that will contain the bookmark data.
  8. Ensure that the Data Replication for VSAM CICS® environment is set up and is running. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECCRDEF) JCL to define the CICS objects required for Data Replication for VSAM. The defined objects include programs, transactions, and files.
  9. Submit the generated USERHLQ.USERSAMP(CECVSMTG) JCL to start the target server.
    When the Classic data server starts, the following services are customized and running in the target server:
    • Administration service
    • Apply service
    • Connection handler service
    • Logger service
    • Monitor service
    • Operator service
    • Region controller service
    • Writer service: If VSAPJRNL=Y was specified, then the applied service starts three writer threads for use in writing data to log Streams for subscriptions that reference CICS journal log Streams.


The target server is now operational. When the corresponding source server is running, you can connect to both the target and source servers by using the Classic Data Architect and configure replication. See Setting up a target server for apply processing to complete the setup required to prepare the target server environment.