CECN0152W (0x010C0098) CECN0152W RESETTIME >= CONSTRAINEDTIME in latency set latency-set for subscription subscription-name


The value of the reset latency threshold (RESETTIME) is greater than the value of the constrained latency threshold (CONSTRAINEDTIME).

System action

The Classic data server will falsely emit either CONSTRAINEDTIME latency exceeded events (AA_replication_constrained_latency_exceeded) or CRITICALTIME latency exceeded events (AA_replication_critical_latency_exceeded) for the identified subscription and latency threshold set.

User response

The constrained latency threshold (CONSTRAINEDTIME) value is derived as 80% of maximum latency (MAXTIME) value. Set the RESETTIME latency threshold so that the reset latency threshold value is less than the constrained latency threshold (CONSTRAINEDTIME) value.