
This multi-line informational message is issued by the monitoring service in response to a DISPLAY,REPL,SUBSCR=subscription-state,DATAFLOW command. The message is a report of subscription metrics with information about how data is flowing to the target. This report has the same information found in the DISPLAY,REPL,SUBSCR=subscription-state,ACTIVITY command's report and additional information. You will find the number of eWouldBlocks the subscription encountered. This is cumulative count that wraps after reaching the maximum for a 32 bit integer (about 4 billion). The specific value isn't as important as the rate of increase between multiple invocations of the report. When this value is increasing it indicates the source server could send data faster but TCP/IP cannot accept more data yet and would block if a blocking socket had been used. This indicate either the target engine is slow to read data from the connection or a network issue is slowing data transfer to the target. Additionally, this report provides two timestamps: the time the last commit was sent to the target and the time of the committed data sent. The delta of both times from current time is also provided in the largest unit needed. This might be (d), (h), (m), (s), or (ms) representing days, hours, minutes, seconds, or milliseconds. Using these timestamps and their deltas from current time you can see how latent data sent to the target is with respect to committed database changes and how long it has been since the source last sent data. This can help you determine if the source server is regularly sending data to troubleshoot if the cause of latency is a stall, slow target, or network problem.

Note: You will not see the time of the last committed data sent for an inactive subscription that does not have a capture cache.

Note: When there is no data flow from the source to target your delta values will continue to increase until more data is sent.

Note: At the target server the DATAFLOW report has the same information as the target ACTIVITY report.

User response

No action required.