CECC0339I (0x01020153) CECC0339I Replication for subscription subscription-name was stopped because the scheduled end of date-time was reached by a commit that was done at date-time.
The specified subscription was stopped because the scheduled end timestamp was exceeded by the timestamp of a log record. When you specify a scheduled end time for stopping a subscription, the source server stops the subscription after it receives a log record that occurs after the scheduled end time.
Note: Scheduled end times for IMS subscriptions are modified to account for the difference between
timestamp values in IMS log records and the leap-second-adjusted system time as displayed on the
z/OS console. This modification makes the time appear to be in the future but ensures that the
actual end time of replication is aligned with the leap-second-adjusted system time that is shown on
the console.
User response
No action is necessary.