CECC0070W (0x01020046) CECC0070W The source server will not restart the persistent subscription subscription-name because it has reached the retry limit of CONNECTRETRYLMT without successfully connecting to the target server.


The capture service has been configured to limit the number of times an attempt is made to connect to the target server to start replication for a persistent subscription to prevent a failed target server or network issues from affecting other subscriptions. The capture service CONNECTRETRYLMT configuration parameter identifies the number of times the capture service should attempt to connect to the target server before giving up.

This subscription has reached that limit and the capture service will no longer attempt to start replication for this subscription. If a capture cache exists for the subscription it is deleted, and the subscription is removed from any change stream(s) to prevent it from impacting replication for other subscriptions.

User response

Once the networking or target server issues have been resolved that are preventing replication from connecting to the target server you can start replication for the subscription.